Friday, January 06, 2006

Pink Eye

His teacher warned me yesterday that there was a nasty case of Pink Eye in shmoo's class. Sure enough, his eyes have turned as red as the rising sun. We took him to the clinic and got some antibiotic eye drops (what fun) that should have it cleared up by Monday. Meanwhile, he'll be staying home, enjoying bean soup for lunch and some computer time as a treat.


Anonymous said...

Awww. Poor Shmoo. Make sure he (and you) are washing your hands constantly and not touching his face. That stuff is scary-contagious.

What kind of soup will he get?

Anonymous said...

At least he wasn't sick during vacation! Get better Shmoo!

Anonymous said...

Hope he's better soon!

Jennifershmoo said...

I know, it spreads around the schools like wildfire. At least it's just his eyes and the rest of him is okay. He got three talks on hand washing -- one from me, one from the nurse, and one from the doctor.

The soup was white bean rosemary, with baked pita chips. :-9

Anonymous said...

I hope he feels better soon!

Anonymous said...

Mmm, white bean rosemary. I hope that one will be in your book.

Jennifershmoo said...

I could call it Pink Eye Stew. Eeew! lol

Anonymous said...

lmao :) that sounds YUMMY!

SDGvegan said...

Pink eye is going around our school too. Luckily we dodged it, but I did get a cold.

Anonymous said...

Mmmm, pink eye stew. :)

Get well soon, schmoo!

FilmStocker said...

Get well soon, kiddo.

I remember pink eye from when I was a kid. A whole lot of no fun.


Film Stock

Anonymous said...

Oh the dreaded pink eye, hope it is all cleared up by now.

I found your blog through Ali Edward's blog and I have to admit that it is making me think of some Vegan yummies for my none veggie eating kiddo. he could live off PBJ if i let him. Thanks for the inspirations!

Anonymous said...

probably its gone now but for future reference (my daughter just had it) tea bag compresses on the eyes will also clear it up. It also takes the awful drippyness and itchness to a minimum. Just wet the tea bags with wearm water and press them to theyes until the tea bag feels cool. Repeat as needed.