Monday, March 13, 2006

WOW! Thank you, Bloggie Voters!

OMG!! Vegan Lunch Box won the Bloggie for Best Food Blog! I'm still in shock!

Thank you so much to everyone who voted for me! And thank you to everyone who visits the Lunch Box and leaves their kind, encouraging words behind. You all help keep me believing in the power of veganism, and you make this blog a fun, exciting place to be. THANK YOU!!


K. H. said...


Anonymous said...

oh, congrats, what great recognition! you defiately deserve it!

Molly said...

You deserve it all the way! Go Jennifer!!

Anonymous said...

Congrats! I am not surprised in the least that you won, you deserve it!

Anonymous said...

AWESOME! Congratulations.

Flo @ Yielded Heart said...

How exciting!
Congratulations for a truly deserved recognition!

Anonymous said...

Congrats! I've never posted a comment, but I check your blog every day and I voted for you! I'm so glad to see veganism getting widespread recognition and respect.

Anonymous said...

This is my first time to post as well. Congratulations!! I'm not vegan but you've inspired me to be more mindful of the foods I serve my family.

Anonymous said...

congrats! i can't think of any blog that deserves it more.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations MamaShmoo! And to little Shmoo too, for having such a creative mom!

Anonymous said...

Way to go!
I bet a lot of kids and adults are eating better lunches thanks to you! If I'didn't work from home I'd take a lunch box too!

Anonymous said...

no, thank YOU for giving us all something wonderful and worth voting for!

Anonymous said...

Congrats! I am sure you have inspired a lot of people to eat healthier. I am cutting down on my meat intake because of you.

Eat Peace Please said...

You should not be shocked! This is fabulous!

Anonymous said...

Congrats on the awards. You do have a great site. Have you thought of including some chicken in your lunch boxes?

High Power Rocketry said...

Well congrats! You deserve it!

Lee said...

I'm just jealous of the yummies!

Well done and congrats!

Dreena said...

Well, I'm not AT ALL surprised!! Well deserved... big congrats to you!!

Regina said...

YEAH!!!!!! You totally deserve this!! Such an amazing site you have. Truly an inspiration to all!!

future poet said...

You do great work, and it deserves to be recognized. Congratulations!

Courtney said...

Congratulations! I'm not vegan or even vegetarian, yet I just love your blog. I subscribe via Bloglines and read it regularly. I wish I had someone like you packing my lunch!

Anonymous said...

No, thank YOU. I finally showed my daughter (11 yrs old) your blog today, she saw it over my shoulder and was curious. I explained it to her and she wants to try a lot of the recipes, including the "Twinkie Dogs."

So I thank YOU. She's been inspired by this blog to eat more fruits and veggies than she has been lately.

You do a great service, you really do.

Anonymous said...

Bwahah, I knew you'd win. \m/

Congratulations, and more still for really getting veganism out there in a super-posi way. <3

Anonymous said...

Certainly deserved! Congrats :)

Heather in Beautiful BC said...

I enjoy reading your blog every day even though I'm a carnivore. You are an inspiration - your son is very lucky to have such a caring, creative Mom. Congratulations!

Anonymous said...

Congrats! I have been using your site as inspiration and my son appreciates it! He is one of few vegans in school and his friends seem envious of the goodies he gets(your gingerbread was huge!!)Thanks for all your hard work and just know that this Vegan momma loves knowing that you are out in the world making it a better, tastier place!

Anonymous said...

Congrats Jennifer! That is awesome :) You totally deserve it :)

Anonymous said...

Congrats! You definitely deserve it.

Anonymous said...

I sent you an email some time ago, letting you know how much I loved your site and how much in awe I was of the respect you show your son.
You responded kindly and promptly and I felt like I had been emailed by a celebrity!
So, I guess I was right :)
Congratulations, you deserve this recognition.

Anonymous said...

I have been vegetarian for 26 years. You inspire me to be an active vegetarian instead of a lazy vegetarian. I wish you could pack my lunches everyday too. It takes a lot of time and dedication to cook like you do every day. I was happy yo vote for you.

Robyn in Savannah, GA

Amy A. said...

Congratulations! You really deserve this award.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations, Jennifer!! You are a real inspiration to us all.



Anonymous said...

Congrats Jennifer! Also, did you know that Vegan Lunch Box was one of the three picks for todays 'Daily Picks' on the Yahoo "My Page."

DailySAHM said...

I am truly happy for you! Your site is a huge inspiration to those of us raising our children as vegans or vegetarians. You totally deserved this award (and I'm pleased that finally something I voted for won!).

Anonymous said...

you deserve it! a truly awesome site.

Anonymous said...

Aaah amazing! Congratulations!

me said...

Congrats on the award and thanks for pulicizing veganism in such a positive light! It's wonderful, really.

Can't wait to get your cookbook!

Anonymous said...

That's fantastic! Congrats, you earned it!

jen said...

yay! i voted for you! :)

Elizabeth said...

Hurray! Yippee! Yay! We're all doing the happy dance for you here! Congratulations!

Anonymous said...


It is Very Much deserved.



Anonymous said...

I want to say how much I respect you for inspiring us omni/carnivores; it's great to support other vegans or vegetarians but making veganism more accessible and appealing outside of that sphere is a really good mark of living your values type activism.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations, a well-deserved award! Incidentally, your Bloggies nomination is how I found Vegan Lunch Box in the first place. Ever since I've been a daily reader. As a fellow vegan, I'm shocked and delighted that a vegan blog could win such an award. I shouldn't be shocked, though, since your blog is simply wonderful!

Thanks for your fantastic blog!

SDGvegan said...


Anonymous said...

it's an award you truly deserve. you make us want to eat healthy meals and make good food choices. eating veggies never looked so yummy!

Anonymous said...

Aw c'mon, like there was ever any doubt. BTW, I voted for you too!

Nic said...

Congratulations, Jennifer! Keep up the brilliant work.

Anonymous said...

Congrats!!! Your blog has been an inspiration for me and has given me more motivation to get my four-year-old to eat better. We are vegetarians and I have been considering going vegan. Well, tonight, I made her Vegan Mac n Cheese and she absolutely loved it. I was shocked that vegan mac n "cheese" could be this great. I am excited to try to make more vegan foods that are pleasing for a child. Congrats again!!!

Marnely Rodriguez-Murray said...

this is the first time i come into this blog, and its wonderful!! congrats on winning the bloggies! definetely a great way to spread the word about the healthy vegan recipes! yum yum. i want one of these lunchboxesss!

Anonymous said...

Well done! Your recipes are fantastic. I've put together some great lunchboxes for my partner since reading your blog... it's fun!

Jennifershmoo said...

Thank you, everyone! My gosh, I'm still just amazed that a vegan site won. Although when I told my son that he said, "You thought a piece of meat would win against YOU? No way!" :-)

And thanks, Papa Herman -- I didn't know that! (Blessed Lent to all of you in Walla Walla, by the way!)

Jennifershmoo said...

>>Well, tonight, I made her Vegan Mac n Cheese and she absolutely loved it.

Yay! Vegan mac-n-cheese rocks!

Once, though, I made it for two kids who were deathly allergic to dairy and had never had regular mac & cheese. Shmoo and I and the other kids' mom practically inhaled it, but they didn't like it a bit...

Anonymous said...

Funny, I can't remember what I was searching for when I found your blog, LOL. I don't have kids nor am I a vegan, but I found your ideas very interesting and they look like a lot of fun for the kids. I hadn't even heard of a lot of these things. But, I do have a weak spot for all kinds of tofu (sad but true, I like to eat it plain, straight out of the package--yep, plain old silken tofu in water) I am going to look around and see if I can't find some of the baked tofu you mentioned.

Anonymous said...

Well deserved.

(We've just discovered your blog and now it is an essential bookmark)

.letting go said...

oh JENNIFER! congratulations!

you are wonderful, you know that right? I mean, you really are. Blessed lent to you and your fam, and rock on.

Anonymous said...

yay! That's fabulous. Just keep making this blog long enough so that when I have kids, and they're in school, I can start copying your recipes!!!

RedStarr said...

I have to say that I am not vegan, or even a strict vegetarian, but I absolutely love your blog. The receipes all look fabulous, and the information is interesting. You so deserved the award. Keep up the good work!

Anonymous said...

congratulations! you really deserve the award. good on you for spreading the vegan message.

Anonymous said...

This is the best thing to happen on the internet ever.

Anonymous said...

Oh, Jennifer! Congratulations, you soooooooo deserve it!

Thanks for all you have done for veganism!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for all the inspiration I get from your log! It's not for children (yet), but for my university lunchbox. People are always jealous of my fantastic vegan food - not least thanks to you!
Keep up your enthusiasm and all the work you do for promoting veganism!

Tom said...

Had I known you were up for Best Food Blog -- I'd have voted for you.


Anonymous said...


Dom said...

Congrats, Jennifer!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations, you deserve it!!!

Katie said...

You certainly deserve the award! Congratulations on helping to make a veg lifestyle more mainstream and certainly more imaginative and delicious!

My kids teacher always comments on what great luches my kids have. All I can do is shake my head and think, "if you only knew what Schmoo was eating today!"

High Power Rocketry said...

Hey im just glad one of those political blogs didnt win.


Anonymous said...

go girl !!!!
great log, earned award!!

Anonymous said...

you deserve it congrats!!

xsparklerx said...

You completely deserve it, and it's great that a vegan blog can win best food blog! Your blog is such an inspiration, thanks so much :)

Anonymous said...

Congrats to the SchmooCrew! :)


Anonymous said...

Yay!!! I couldn't be happier that you won! Your really deserve it for being such an inspiration to all us vegans and a great introduction to those thinking about vegan but worried about what there is to eat. I would trade places with little shmoo if I could but I am sure he likes it just where he is.

Can't wait for the cookbook!!!!!!!! Are you taking reservations for it????

Anonymous said...

Hooray! Congrats to you (and to little Shmoo too!!)


Anonymous said...

That's great, congrats! what was the prize? ;-)

M.C.T. said...

Congratulations!! And keep up your wonderful work and community building, Jennifer. You should be very proud of yourself and of the little shmoo :-).

Anonymous said...

I know you've gotten heaps of comments like this, but I have to chime in and say that I love this blog. I've recently been easing into vegetarianism and coming here is so inspiring. It helps me feel like I can make and sustain healthy and kinder eating habits -- and that they're obviously way tastier than how I was eating before! ;)

*Thank you!*

jen said...

congratulations!! you totally deserve it.

it's groundbreaking that a vegan blog would win best food blog -- just one more way in which you are making a huge difference for the animals and for thousands of hungry blog surfers out there!

Ocyrrhoe said...

congrats! you definitely deserved the recognition!

Anonymous said...

Your blog is amazing! I look forward to checking it every day and seeing the wonderful lunches you've put together. Go Jennifer! Congratulations! It's a well deserved win!

Petey said...

Brilliant! Congratulations!

Anonymous said...

where did you get the cute lunch box

Anonymous said...

Yay! I voted for you! I actually found your blog through your bloggie nomination and have been a faithful follower ever since! I cannot WAIT for the cookbook to come out! Your daily pictures and writeups have inspired me to get even more organic and "granola" with my already vegetarian diet! :)

Anonymous said...

WooHoo, it is completely deserved!

High Power Rocketry said...

And is the book coming out soon?


CV said...

As a vegarian I am happy for your award, It is good for the vegetarians.

Anonymous said...

Congrats, Jennifer!

As a vegetarian flirting with veganism, I have a question about Earth Balance. I bought a box of this, hoping I could substitute it for butter. But I found that it left a strange coated feeling in my mouth. Kind of what I'd expect Crisco to feel like, if I'd ever eaten Crisco, gakk. I don't remember which Earth Balance product I tried, it came in an oblong box that was the size of a box that holds four sticks of butter. Do they have a better product?

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Jennifer! Your site is awesome.

Anonymous said...

Yay, Jennifer!! Congratulations!

Anonymous said...

regarding the question about earth balance:

i've never tried the product you mentioned, but i reguarly use earth balance buttery spread, which comes in a plastic tub (like butter or margarine). in my opinion, it tastes/bakes exactly like butter, but of course it is *much* healthier. there are a different versions of this spread in the container, including regular and whipped (my favorite).

Anonymous said...

congratulation Dear.. It was well deserved...

Anonymous said...

Yippee! I'm so pleased for you, as I voted for you and have actually been anxious to see the results. You are an inspiration to so many -- me included! Well-deserved congratulations (from Canada) for all that you do to make a difference.

Anonymous said...

Yay! I voted for you, too. I love your blog. My partner and I (both vegan) read it together everyday. Such fun and so many wonderfully yummy ideas! CONGRATS!

I've made the fondue, Brussels sprouts, and the chickpea salad - all WONDERFUL! Thanks for sharing!

Anonymous said...

I voted for you, too, and I've checked the lunch box every day for many months now.
Keep up the great work!

Little Black Car said...

I'm not even a vegan and I think your blog rocks. I haven't been on blogger long but i check it every day.

Robert van de Walle said...

I am so glad you won! Your blog really reflects a small part of your life and your love for Little Shmoo, which is why I keep checking in.

Keep up the great work!

Anonymous said...

That is awesome!! Congratulations!!

Yaye & Tallulah said...

De-lurking to congratulate you! Well deserved!!! (I voted for you) :-)

Anonymous said...

Congrats, you deserve it!! Thanx for the inspiration and encouragement! You make being vegan seem SO easy and fun! =)

Anonymous said...

I KNEW you could!!!!! Congratulations!! I am so happy for you!

Anonymous said...

CONGRATULATIONS! I voted for you. I found your Blog through the Blogger directory. Althought I have considered myself a 'vegetarian' for many years, I had strayed back into some fish, dairy and eggs recently. Your Blog renewed and refreshed my dedication to the Veggie lifestyle and has even made Vegan seen possible for me now. So a HUGE THANK YOU for all of your hard work and dedication. Your Blog has made me want to be a better person;-)

Eric said...

Awesome. Congrats on recognition for a job really well done.

jenni said...

Congratulations! I recently stumbled upon your blog and you definitely deserve this award. Thank you for all of the healthy recipe ideas!

Anonymous said...

kwCongratulations on this well-deserved award! This is my first post, but I visit the site daily. I've been a vegan for almost 20 years and am raising my daughter (2 tomorrow!) vegan as well.

Shelly said...

Um...was there ever any doubt you'd win? I never doubted. But nevertheless...


Anonymous said...

That is awesome Jennifer! You totally deserve it, this site is amazing.

High Power Rocketry said...

Sorry that I didnt get to vote in time.

Anonymous said...

Fantastic! I am not really that surprised!! I know I voted for you and I just had a feeling that you had a strong enough following to win! You have vegans and meat-eaters alike in awe of your dedication and creativity! Congratulations!! Hurry up on that cookbook because we are waiting for it in Philly! :-)

Eleni Binge said...

YEAH!!!! Good job, and thank you.

Anonymous said...

A much deserved prize. Schmoo is one lucky little vegan.

Anonymous said...

We LIKE you, we really really like you!! Congratulations!

Anonymous said...

I seem to remember that I originally discovered you through the 2006 Bloggies, and I voted for you there - congrats!

Vicki's Vegan Vice said...

I agree with Shmoo -- those piece of meat blogs had no chance against your clever & fabulously fresh vegan blog! It's like a gift to be opened -- exciting to see what's inside the lunch box. Congrats! and Thanks!

Juni said...


Anonymous said...

Yay!!! I never would have voted in the Bloggies or even heard of them, but I signed up just to support your site! I'm so happy for you, and keep it up! :-D

Anonymous said...

Wonderful that you won it. And by the way, my son is much better fed as a vegan kiddy than he would be if it weren't for your continually creative recipes. Just think how many happy kids there must be out there because of this blog!

Unknown said...

i voted for you, actualy i found your blog when iw ent to vote for treehugger and have been reading it every day since then, well almost every day, i read quiet a bit of your blog befor voting but itw as easy to decide cuz you have an awsome blog, i am looking forward to your cookbook coming out

sharbel said...


KleoPatra said...

WAY TO GO, Jen and Shmoo!

Way to bring in we vegans and the non-veg crowd.

Keep up the fantastic work - please!

Anonymous said...

You really deserve it! you put a lot of time into this!

Anonymous said...

Hoorah!!! Congratulations!!! Vegan Lunch Box for President!

Anonymous said...

Well deserved!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! You should be way proud! If I come up there this summer, we should get together and cook!

Your cuz,

Allie B said...

Congrats, you deserve it!

Michele McNickle said...

This blog is inspirational!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! It is so great to hear that a pro-vegan site won.
Also, thank you so much for sharing your wonderful lunch ideas. It is definitely a much needed help to think of great healthy food that my children will enjoy.

CCP said...

Congrats! Your blog is an inspiration to us all! Schmoo is one lucky little fellow!

I linked to your blog from mine to help drive traffic. Everyone should see this!

Sarah said...

hurray!!! i saw on the news last night that the bloggies were announced, and i went to check to see if you won and YOU DID! WOO HOO!!!

Anonymous said...

Very creative and appetising indeed!