Oh, I love
Hint. Really, I don't mean to sound like some crazed phony bloggin’ corporate-sponsored shill (although I'll gladly accept payment for my little "get a clue" slogan...clever, no?) But I really have to say I think Hint water is one of the best things that's happened to us around here drinkwise.
Here's why: like the big dummy I am, I made the mistake of introducing my son to sweetened, sugary beverages when he was still a baby. Although I almost never drink juice myself, I guess I thought sweet, sticky apple juice was just the thing toddlers
had to have in those little sippy cups of theirs. Apple, cranberry, grape...it wasn't long before he was moving on to the harder stuff: soda pop and "lemonade" at restaurants ("You call that a child's size cup?!?"), disgusting blue technicolor sugar water at school and playdates. Juice every day, juice at every meal, juice in a bag, juice in a box...even my husband started complaining if juice wasn't present at every single meal.
If I could go back again, of course, I would never introduce shmoo to this terrible juice habit. I know now that juice is
only marginally better than soda; they’re both essentially a mixture of water and sugar without fiber. I know all things are fine in moderation, but too many sweet, calorie-packed beverages may be part of what’s contributing to our growing childhood obesity epidemic. And, as I can certainly attest, a tiny tummy filled with a big glass of juice or soda at mealtime won’t have much room for all the healthy foods that are on its plate (But that same stomach will somehow manage to empty itself just in time for dessert. Or so it seems.)
Anyway, the damage was done. This year the situation has been made ten times worse by shmoo’s introduction to the world of "sports beverages". That’s right, the Forces That Be have taken something naturally healthy – staying hydrated while playing sports – and turned it into another excuse to stuff our children with sugar, artificial sweeteners, flavors, colors, and preservatives. The whining, wheedling "please mom can I have a sports drink after practice, please, please, please?" campaign I have been listening to for the past 6 months has made me rue the day my son accepted his first little blue Propel from a teammate.
Then a few weeks ago I read an article in Shape magazine about Hint, and I practically gasped out loud. That’s it! That’s what I need to end this kid’s Gatorade Obsession! It's just water and natural flavors, period: no preservatives, no Sucralose, no bright purple dye, no calories.
Shmoo was quickly presented with his very own collection of all 8 flavors. His favorites are Pomegranate-Tangerine, Raspberry-Lime, and Tropical Punch. Cucumber, not so much. Oh, but he loves these silly little waters just as much as he did the sports drinks and sodas of the past, and I don’t cringe every time I see him suck one down. The Beverage Battle is over, and I am
Now I’m just waiting for the 1 - 2 gallon jug sizes to come out, so I can use refillable bottles and save on plastic. But one battle at a time, I suppose…