Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Fun Facts

  • Total Lunches: 149
  • Peanut Butter Sandwiches: 4 (two planned, one because I was sick, and one due to Tuno)
  • Servings of Brussels Sprouts: 10
  • Shmoo's Favorite Lunch: Chinese New Year
  • Mom's Favorite Lunch: Fondue
  • Worst Lunch: Tuno #1
  • Number of days shmoo was sick: Shmoo was out one day with Pink Eye (eating right doesn't mean you don't have to wash your hands!!)


  1. I like these fun facts. Now just imagine how many PB&J's the rest of the kids had. And probably no brussels sprouts at all! What a lunch-year! I can't wait until next year.

  2. LOL My favorite part of this last day is the Fun Facts! Number of servings of Brussel Sprouts! That's a riot. Little Shmoo eats so MANY things that omnivore kids refuse to eat that the brussel sprouts thing is almost a cliche!

    Thank you Jennifer for inspiring so many mothers, and for inspiring my family to a) eat healthier, b) start a supper blog, and c) get more creative!

    I'll be tuning in to see what else you do, but I'll also try very hard to be understanding when you don't post.

  3. Jennifer, you rock! I'm late to the party, having only discovered your blog last week but I've enjoyed catching up thru the archives. I want to buy your cookbook and will keep checking the site for details! I just bought two laptop lunchboxes last week for my own shmoos (they are vegetarian; I'm mostly vegan; husband is omnivore but veggie at home).

    Jenn in Oakland

  4. We aren't allowed peanuts at my little vegan's school, but I'm hoping she'll let me try some of your cool lunches. I know sushi will be a big favourite with her! :saddness: that you wont keep this up next year, but I hope you keep this blog active, and include the occasional treat for your fan club. :)

  5. I'm sooo sad you're not continuing VLB! But I am glad to have experienced your wonderful lunches and vegan wisdom! You've given me lots of new meat free menu ideas and encouraged me to make meals look more appealing! I wish you and Shmoo (as well as the rest of your family) all the best! Have a great summer!

  6. Thank you for the inspiration. You're blog has been the push I needed to get out of the pb&j rut. My 13 year old has enjoyed your blog as well. Just yesterday we bought the ice cube molds so we could make the cheese sticks too!

    Keep us posted on the cookbook!

  7. As a former vegan and current omni, you've inspired me to reconsider the food choices I make for myself and my family. I won't even try to defend all of my dd's PB&J sandwiches this past year (but hey, she ASKS for them, lol), but what most strikes me is the effort you put into each lunch, and the love that is apparent at least to those of us who've witnessed, albeit virtually, those fabulous, varied, wonderful lunches. That what has seemed like a mundane chore could be better construed as such an act of love - that's the lesson that's been most meaningful for me.

    But for now, would you please consider blogging, at least a few nights a week, some vegan meals? My dh is willing to try anything (whew!) and I'm sure we'd enjoy the variety here.

    Thanks for a great blog; I hope it's not over!

  8. I LOVE this blog! I have a general question for you all. Is there a vegan food that has cholesterol in it? What I'm getting at is if a food has NO CHOLESTROL is it okay to assume it's vegan? (assuming no yucky stuff like gelatin or cochineal - which I learned about here!) You all are so smart, I'm sure you'll know.

  9. I've never been to your site before, but it's amazing. Great lunches! You've inspired me. I'm going to get one of these lunchboxes for my daughter, and make beautiful lunches for her. :)
    (We're already mostly healthy, but the pretty factor is cool).

    Two questions, though:
    1. Do you use fruit fresh, or lemon juice or something to keep your fruit from turning brown?

    2. How old is your son? My daughter is 10, and going into 5th grade this fall. I'm hoping she would think these lunches are cool, not embarrasing. One never knows with the tweens.

    Great lunches, great blog!

  10. flying oyster - there is no vegan food with cholesterol, but there are non-vegan foods without it....So, you can't assume that something without cholesterol is vegan, but you can know immediately that if it has cholesterol it's not vegan. It's a good first thing to check if you're not sure about something, but always read the ingredients if it has not cholesterol and you're still not sure.

    Hope that wasn't too confusing :)


  11. I have had so much fun, reading everyday what shmoo is eating, i make really great lunches for myself for work. But reading about shmoo and his favorite lunches... I cant WAIT to be a mom!

    Thanks for your blog everyday. And taking the time to share with us.


  12. >>Should I try soya milk on my breakfast cereal?

    Go for it!

    >>1. Do you use fruit fresh, or lemon juice or something to keep your fruit from turning brown?

    I use a bit of orange juice on apple slices, but nothing else. Sealed in the lunchbox, most fruit doesn't turn *too* brown before lunch or snacktime. Someone recommended putting raspberry vinegar on pear to prevent browning and add a nice flavor -- I might try that one day.

    >>2. How old is your son?

    He's going to turn 8 this summer.

    >>Changing the world, one lunch at a time: Priceless


  13. I will miss you, wah! You have given me and my 14yo vegan dd lots of ideas so she didn't have to eat pbj everyday. Don't tell, but I've used your ideas for our vegetarian dinners too. Thank You!!!

  14. Just happened upon your blog...good stuff!!

  15. best of luck to you... i have drooled over your lunches for the last few months and look forward to having veg-head kids of my own someday!

    Can't wait to read (and salivate from) your cookbook in the future!!

  16. What a fun site this has been to watch and drool over.

    I appreciate your ability to let it wind down, it having run its daily purpose for you. As awesome as it has been to see your care for Shmoo and your family by your willingness to put creative effort and time into Shmoo's lunches, it's equally sweet to see you step back for time with the family. It's not so common in this day and age to see someone step back amidst such adoration (which we will carry with us, to be sure).

    Best to you with the cookbook!


  17. Thank you, thank you! I came in mid-year, but have absolutely LOVED every minute, every entry. Looking forward to the next school year with you :-)

  18. Congrats! Keep on with the vegan thing! I'm not one, but respect what you are doing.

  19. Anonymous11:08 PM

    i am going to miss this blog deeply!

  20. Jennifer,

    I have to admit, I'm missing your posts already!

  21. I'm certainly already missing your daily posts... I feel as though something is missing everytime I go onto the internet. Well, I hope you do post lunch repots/dinner reports/breakfast reports/snack reports soon! Thanks for your great blog. :]

  22. it hasn't even been a week and i'm in major vlb withdrawl...

  23. I'm just glad there's some other vegan and vegetarian food blogs up so I don't starve in vicarious hunger!

  24. I love how little PB you used!

  25. Hey Schmoo family! What was for dinner last night? lol,

    Arline in L.A.

  26. I can't wait for your summer updates and will be the first to pre-order your cookbook!!
    Thanks for a great year of lunches!
    Living Vegan

  27. Jennifershmoo,
    I am so glad I found your blog! It has been amazing. Good luck to you and your family as you embark on new adventures!! My roommate this past year was homeschooled her whole life, as were many of the honors students and Merit scholars at my university, and I can tell you that when it is done properly, as you no doubt will do it, there are no problems with socialization. And a life-long love of learning can be the result, as well as great self-sufficiency and the ability to be highly self-motivated. I will miss your posts, and I hope to be able to buy the book!
    With well wishes,
    P.S. I just started my blog, and I'm gonna post pics and recipes for food that a vegan college student eats, as well as other facets of my life, like knitting. . . thanks for the inspiration!

  28. Aack! Wrong address above!
    My blog is:

    Sorry! :-)

  29. You are the best mum. My brother's kids refuse to eat anything but butter sandwiches, chips, cheese, rice crackers and pasta. It's horrifying. I'm going to make them look at your blog.
