Monday, November 06, 2006

Cupcakes, Tofurky, and ME!

I will be in Portland this Saturday at 4pm at the Herbivore Store, 5519 NE 30th Avenue, signing copies of Vegan Lunch Box. (That's right, it's not "officially" out until the 15th but they get theirs early. Why? Because I love them more!)

The fine folks at Herbivore will also be hosting cupcake decorating and a "turkey-free tasting" that day, so everyone in the Portland area should come hang out with me and help them eat up the Field Roast.


  1. Hi,

    I love your blog and you constantly inspire me to create healthy (and pretty) vegan dishes.

    I didn't want to commit an internet faux pas, ( I'm pretty new to blogging), so I thought I'd let you know that I mentionned the Vegan Lunchbox and referenced the link in my blog
    I hope you don't mind - If you do just let me know and I can remove the reference.



  2. I'd love to go to Portland, but (sigh) I'll just wait (impatiently) for my book to arrive in the mail.

    AAAhhh and exciting news for those in my area who have been looking for a high fructose free corn syrup. I found some organic corn syrup at my local Vitamin Cottage!

  3. Are you coming to San Francisco?

  4. How exciting! I mentally live there and I can't wait for my copy to come in the mail.

  5. It's time to move to Portland...

  6. I just ordered a copy of your book. SO excited to get it!

    Wish I lived closer. WHat a treat it would be to meet you! Have FUN!

  7. Thanks, Teresa & Jesse!

    Ooh, I'd never heard of Malaysian laksa. "Coconut-based curry soup" -- sounds wonderful!

  8. Jennifer! That's so awesome that you'll be in Portland to do a book signing! How exciting. I remember you seemed to love it when you lived there!

  9. Oh how I wish I could be at the Herbivore store to meet you! Good luck, anyway! I love Herbivore!

  10. Thought you might be interested in this:

  11. So close, but so far away. I'm right across the river from there but will be in church all day Saturday. So I'll have to wait until DH gets me your book for Hanukkah....

    What are the chances you'll ever come down this way on a Sunday....

  12. hi hello!
    we are so excited to host your book signing! there will be yummy cupcakes for all, and if i am able to find the time, some VLB recipes, too. popcorn balls, anyone?
    jennifershmoo, your pen of golden tofu is ready!

  13. I just got an email from the USPS telling me your book is on its way!! I'm thrilled.

  14. Yay! I love your blog and really want your book, will pick it up for christmas for sure! The peeps at herbavore are really great! I work for Field Roast, and love seeing the love being spread around! Take Care!!

  15. I hope I am not double posting but I wanted to let you know that I started my own blog called and I mentioned your name, website, and book. I am buying your book of course and I am so inspired by you, I thank you very much.
