Monday, November 20, 2006

A Thanksgiving Lunch Box

Save the turkeys! Here's a turkey-free feast in celebration of Thanksgiving.

This year, instead of Tofurky, I made a large version of the Mini-Wellingtons recipe from Vegan Lunch Box. I made a small Wellington for this lunch, then formed the rest into a single large loaf wrapped in puff pastry and decorated with pastry leaves and berries. I'll be baking it for us and all our veggie relatives this Thursday (Hey, Mom! Hey, Zach! Hey, Rachel and gorgeous vegan Bambina! Be seeing you all soon!). I'll serve it along with some vegan gravy and mashed potatoes.

To the right is a serving of Carmelized Squash and Apples: Peel a small butternut squash and two apples and cut into ½-inch cubes; toss with 3 tablespoons melted margarine, 2 tablespoons brown sugar, ½ teaspoon of kosher salt, and a grind or two of black pepper; roast at 400ºF for 20 minutes, or until tender.

Above the squash is my vegan version of an old family favorite: Glorified Rice. Follow the link for the recipe; I'm delighted that my vegan version came out so like the traditional dish.

And finally, a green salad topped with dried cranberries and toasted pecans, with a little cranberry viniagrette on the side.

Verdict: Glorified Rice and Wellington were both big hits. Squash isn't so bad when sweetened and eaten with bites of apples, but still is not a favorite. Shmoo is sad that he's going to have to share the big Wellington with all of us on Thanksgiving -- he wants it all to himself! 5 gobble- gobbles.

Happy Thanksgiving!


  1. I don't think they ate turkey at the Frist Thanksgiving, either...

  2. Quite interesting...and sounds good too...I've never tried such things...guess there's always a first time and will try it sooner or later...and hey for more useful and related resources do visit my Thanksgiving Blog and find out all it has to offer....well have a great Thanksgiving!!!

  3. My aunt makes almost the same thing as Glorified Rice only no cherries and with pineapple jello (when they used to make it) I keep meaning to make pineapple agar and try it but always forget. Maybe for christmas.

  4. Sounds wonderful! Hopefully the tempeh and gravy I'm making turns out yummy. It's a recipe I haven't tried.

  5. Wow! A whole family of vegans--even your mom! My sister and boyfriend are both vegetarian and my omni mom loves my vegan cooking...soon she will be turning to the dark side too...just kidding. Good luck with your Thanksgiving!

  6. Wow, that looks wonderful, Jennifer! I can't wait until Thursday! Sounds like we're going to have an awesome feast =)

    Take care,

  7. I'm amazed Shmoo doesn't like butternut squash! I'm not a squash fan and it's the only kind I really like.

  8. Where do you find vegan puff pastry? I've only been able to find it made with butter. I love your lunch box!!

  9. Anonymous1:01 PM

    neat idea..thanksgiving to good article too...infomational for sure...looking forward to reading some more posts placed on this topic...will be checking this page again..have saved in favorites and bookmarked...thanks

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  10. Jennifer: As always your holiday lunch box looks delicious! I wanted to stop by and tell you that my copy of Vegan Lunch Box arrived today and I can't wait to try some of the recipes! I showed my daughter the book and she said "Mom- she makes better lunches than you." I tried not to be offended! I've been reading your blog for a while and try to incorporate some of your ideas for my daughter's lunches, but I just don't have the time to make all the amazing things you do! I am hoping to try some new ideas on her! Thanks for the shipment!

  11. I just wanted to drop in and say Thank You! I got my (international) delivery of your cookbook yesterday, and have been voraciously reading it since! I don't have children, but I'm interested in providing myself with healthy and fun lunches, and am really looking forward to experimenting with these recipes!! The book looks great, the recipes are clearly written and the photos are fantabulous!

  12. Looks wonderful! Have you been able to find any puff pastry made without hydrogenated oil? I know that the Pepperidge Farms ones are technically vegan, but I don't do trans fats and I really really really want to try puff pastry.

  13. It's Pepperidge Farms puff pastry -- vegan but yes, sadly, it does contain transfats. I use it sparingly on special occasions. If they would switch to making a transfat-free puff pastry, I would wrap everything in the stuff.

  14. Happy Thanksgiving! Beautiful lunchbox. I want to thank you for the part you no doubt have played in the saving of turkeys! We adopted one for the first time this year. Cheers!

  15. I love your continued creativity! Around the holiday time we always get inspired to go above & beyond with our cooking and I really enjoy reading your stories. Best of luck with the book!

  16. How about Filo dough as a substitute for puff pastry for those who just really don't want to eat trans fats? It's not as tender as puff pastry, but when brushed with melted margarine in between the layers, it is still pretty tasty (and vegan)!

  17. Hi, thats my first time here and I loved your turkey pic!
    Happy Thanksgiving!

  18. LOL I manage five calendars where I work, three of them have Save The Turkeys on them for Thanksgiving!

  19. I like your site, very interesting.

  20. Anonymous1:05 PM

    I love the mini-wellington. Being an Australian I don't have thanksgiving but I'll be praying for your turkeys!
    I finally got around to ordering my copy of 'vegan lunchbox' (yay!) I'm so excited about it - I ordered an extra copy for a Christmas gift too.

  21. Hey everyone! This is Jennifer's cousin, and I must say that the 'vegan loaf' presented at Thanksgiving dinner was amazing. Even my father, who is far far from being vegan raved about it. If you bought Vegan Lunch Box, you must try this recipe, it's wonderful!

  22. Aw, thanks, Zach! Hey, you left town just in time -- it started snowing this morning!

  23. Did the rice travel okay in the lidless compartment? I just got a laptop lunch and I am trying to figure out what exactly qualifies as a liquid food so that I won't have leaks.

  24. it's snowing already?! Ekk better put on some soup :)


  25. >>Did the rice travel okay in the lidless compartment?

    I think rice would travel fine, but just to be safe I always cover the container with a bit of plastic, usually held in place with a rubber band.

  26. Thanks very much for replying Jennifer.

  27. The recipe for the Mini-Wellies had been bookmarked for a long time, I finally made it tonight and I am thrilled with it! My first batch puffed up ALOT so I smooshed them down for the second batch. This filling is divine. Thanks so much for the great ideas, even if you are no longer churning out lunch boxes- you have inspired me!
