Thursday, January 18, 2007

Flickr Vegan Lunch Box Group

Hey, That Bohemian Chick and her cohorts have started a Flickr Vegan Lunch Box Pool to share pictures of foods they have made from the cookbook. Check it out! That Blue Ribbon Bread looks fantastic.


  1. those dishes look japanese, i like them

    ellen and i have a vegan blog also with pictures and recipes look:

  2. Fabulicious! Love to see a site devoted to such a healthy and "biologically right" lifestyle... j'adore.

    Now, don't be put off, but you are "it". You have been officially tagged by a blogging bud (just because I adore your site so much!)

    The "weirdness" has taken over the blogoshere and you're next! (Corny, I know, but I was hit by K-Style)

    Hop on over to my blog and check it out, only if you dare /T (;
