Verdict: Sushi is surprisingly filling; two pieces and some asparagus were left over. 4 stars.
Wow, so this is it! I started the lunch box project with the idea of recording some vegan, kid-friendly lunch ideas. I wanted to prove to myself and others that veganism isn't about deprivation or packing a million peanut butter sandwiches. I wanted to have some fun and share some ideas, and thought there might be a few other vegan moms out there who would appreciate it. I had no idea Vegan Lunch Box would take off like it has. I've never stopped being amazed by it all!
Thank you to all of you who have visited, shared, and spread the word. I've loved reading all your emails and comments. It made my day every time I read about people being inspired to go veg, or eat more meat-free meals, or add more fruits and veggies to their kids' diets. One of my favorite comments was about a child inspired to eat their vegetables after looking at Vegan Lunch Box: "Look, I'm a shmoo!" Who could ask for more?
A lot of you are wondering what will happen now -- will I keep posting pictures of his lunches? I do have plans for some fun picnics and meals this summer, so you'll probably be seeing a few of them. I also plan to use the summer to finish the cookbook and get it off to a printer. I'll be posting periodic updates on the status of the book, and will probably start taking preorders later this summer.
But mostly I plan to enjoy some vacation time with my son, just hanging out and being a mom. We're leaning toward homeschooling or doing a part-time school next year, so I'm sorry to say I won't be coming back with daily lunch box posts next year. But by then the cookbook will be out, so everyone will be making their own fabulous vegan lunch boxes, right?
I remember the first lunch! This last one looks great, and hopefully he will let you add some carrots or cuc's to the sushi some day. I guess you'll have to disregard my comment above about "seeing you next year". I commend you for making a switch towards whatever may be best for Shmoo and the family, school-wise.
So sad to know that you will not be posting lunch boxes next year. You have been a great inspiration to me...thank you very much! I look forward to that cookbook coming out!! I wish you all the best, and will come back periodically in hopes of a new post!! :)
reading this last post has made me so sad! but i really hope its not the end of it all, cause ive really enjoyed all the posts, made me look at lunches a different way and made me want to include more veggies into my diet...organic has been my favorite word since i read you!
sushi is such a yummy way of ending the year...good choice! shmoo must be very proud to have a great mom like you! u are a wonderful example to all moms out there reading you...
hope ur book writing goes well! any recipe testing you can contact me! (marnely@gmail.com) i´ll be happy to help out!
hope u have a great summer!
gulp....so sad. But such a great experience for you, Shmoo, and especially all us visitors. Thanks for sharing. I'll be pre-ordering that book as soon as I get the chance!
I have enjoyed being a visitor of the VLB and seeing what fun new lunch little shmoo would be having for the day. Sad to see it all end......but looking forward to checking out the cookbook! Cheers to you and your family for a great summer!
I'll really, really miss checking out the latest vegan lunchbox ideas every day. Thank you for taking the time to share this with us, and thanks to Shmoo for his contribution to the project! Have a great summer and good luck with the cookbook.
Thanks for a year of beautiful and inspiring lunches! I've been reading since September and enjoying every day. Good thoughts for you as you finish the cookbook.
Happy summer! All the best to you and shmoo.
Thank you so much for expanding my vegan horizons - Schmoo is so lucky to have you!
I'm definitely going to miss this next year, and I'll definitely be buying a cookbook!
I'm really going to miss these daily boxes - what a wonderful project! Thanks so much for sharing this school year. I'm really looking forward to the cookbook!
I wish you the best in whatever you decide to do next. I'm looking forward to the picnic posts!
Take care and have a great summer!
Had such fun reading your posts! I'm looking forward to packing veg lunches for my own kids someday (I've jotted down your ideas from time to time...), and my husband and I are planning to try lunch box fondue this week - very excited! It's one of our inroads into vegan cooking/living (we're vegetarians with some further convictions rolling around in us lately). Out of curiousity, what's a part-time school? And I'd love to ask you some questions sometime about raising veg children and substitutions in recipes, all that - any way I can do that? You're probably loaded down with popularity right now, but if it works, my email is: emily.kristin@gmail.com
I'm so sorry to hear this is the end of Veganlunchbox! You have helped me so much in terms of transitioning from vegetarianism to veganism. How about a "Vegansuppertable" ? :) I can't wait for your cookbook!
First time poster, long time lurker...I just have to say that I have really enjoyed your posts and that I will definitely miss checking in each day! I am not a vegan but you have inspired me to pack healthier lunches for my son. I also have a better awareness of healthier meatless alternatives (i.e. veggie dogs vs. those awful hot dogs!) Thank you so much for your time and effort!
Thank you for being such a wonderful inspiration.
I'll be checking back to see what you and the Shmoo are up to.
All the best and I look forward to your cookbook.
Warm wishes, Sweet Pea
Jennifer, thank you so much for your wonderful website!! I will most definately be pre-ordering your cookbook, as I'm sure it will be excellent! Also, I will be making my own fabulous vegan lunch boxes next year, with your site as my primary inspiration. This year was a lot of PB&J, and I can't wait to have a more adventuresome lunch. To echo green pea, this is my favorite website, too.
Jennifershmoo - I would definitely buy your book. I have gone to every bookstore in town looking for a kid-friendly, dairy-free, wheat-free, but-free, sugar-free and tasteFULL cookbook but there isn't anything out there!!! Although your recipes do contain nuts and wheat, they are easily substituted. Thanks again for sharing your lunch ideas with us - keep us posted about the book!
Jennifer, I'm not sure how the blogging world will get by without your regular posts over the summer!! Blogger withdrawal I suspect!
Have a lovely summer and enjoy some well-earned relaxation and fun with your family.
Even if you're not back with daily lunchbox posts next year, I bet we'll be seeing you with other fabulous food posts, as well as hearing more about your book (and probably pics from your recipes in there).
Thank you for all of your hard work this year and all you've done to inspire others to eat healthier (and more compassionately).
Happy sunny summer days to you! :)
Jennifer, I'm reluctant to admit this, but I'm in tears. Your blog has been such a part of my daily life, my little treat at the end of my day, my inspiration. My three year old is starting Montessori school this fall, and you can bet he's going to be packing his own Vegan Lunchbox! Thank you so much for all of your inspiration. I can't wait for your book. And, thanks for the flautas!
What a fantastic site! Thank you for taking us on your vegan lunch box journey. Your thoughtfulness, love, and creativity was truly inspiring. This was some of the finest vegan advocacy I've ever seen. Such a pleasure to check in with you each day!
Thanks, Jennifer!
I am so sad. Whatever will I do without lunchbox posts? I'm going to check back at least once a week anyway, in the hope that you've posted something yummy or some tidbit of info. I can't wait for the cookbook! You know...here's another benefit of your blog. I think maybe you got a lot of people thinking about how they parent their kids. I know you got me thinking about. Over the course of the year I've done a lot less 'throw some mac and cheese' at my kids and a lot more full-on meal prep and family sit down dinners. We've all benefited from it, too.
Thank you so much for all your hard work. And BTW..I think the Vegan Family Supper blog is a great idea...thanks, Krista! We should all start bugging Jen now until she gives in. :)
Have a great summer!
Jennifer, I've read every blog entry since the beginning and have loved them! I will miss your lunchbox adventures and will continue to check in for updates. You are really an inspiration - I love the way you've taken a mundane "chore" and turned it into a creative project and act of love. I would love to apply this philosophy to more of my life. I've often thought about how special schmoo must feel to have these lunches that you obviously put a lot of time and effort into. I'm a 10-year vegan with no kids and I really admire how you negociate the challenges of being a vegan and a parent in a non-vegan world.
There is a vegan bento community on Flickr, and also a mixed (some beg, some not) laptop lunchbox group also already on flickr. Maybe some of you will consider joining us there rather than starting a whole new group?
I am sad this blog is ending. I loved visiting!
I just found you a month ago
and now it's over. so sad : (
It's been great. Thanks for sharing you've been more than successful
I'll definitely feel a void in my days without the blog. It's been so great. I've looked forward to it everyday. You have done such an amazing job with this. You've made me prouder to be a vegan. Thank you!!
I'm curious as to why you'd choose to homeschool your child. It seems to me that it would be further isolating a child who is already functioning slightly outside the normal community. I have known some healthy homeschooled children - but I also know plenty of children it was not healthy for also.
I just wonder how homeschooling contributes or hinders normal development of friendships, self-reliance, and relationships with the outside world.
This is an amazing site you have created. And it would be a loss to so many people to see it go. But thank you so much for all that you have shared over the past year. It is not hard to see that you have touched many lives through one little lunchbox! Have a wonderful summer!
I've loved this site, and it's obvious to me how much you love your son from the care you put into his meals. Thank you for doing it--it's made me very happy.
I wish you and Shmoo a great summer vacation! I'll be sad with no lunchboxes to drool over, but I suppose I'll have to spend my summer making my own fabulous vegan lunches! I just showed my mom this site a few days ago, and she was very impressed, especially by your sushi-- and that's quite a compliment, since she was born and raised in Japan! I'll still be checking in hopes of other nifty tidbits, though. I wish the best for you and your family.
That was fantastic. I got pointed at this blog in January, and I was really disappointed when I ran out of past posts to read.
The photos you do of shmoo's lunches are fabulous, and the food always sounds great. I hope you keep updating this blog.
Thank you for sharing with us over the past year. Through you, I have become very attached to my food blogs for inspiration. I'll be checking back for updates.
Happy Summer Vacation, Little Schmoo.
Dear JenniferShmoo,
I have been reading VLB pretty much every day since the almost beginning... and I have loved every single post! It is so fun to see the care and creativity and diversity that you bring to these amazing creations... as well as the love and respect that you have for sweet little Shmoo. I hope you & your family have a great summer, and that next year's school year is a great one.
Yours in vegan-ness,
Oh yeah, and once you get your book published, I will *definititely* be buying one.... And if you do a book tour, you will be most welcome in Santa Cruz!
:) amey
Heya Jennifer, i left you a comment the first time i visited you blog and have been visiting your blog on a daily basis till now. I am definitely going to be missing your wonderful, colourful lunches. Your book will definitely be a hit, do try to get it sent down into stores in Singapore as well, there is increasing awareness of vegetarianism and veganism, so your book will be an instant hit. All the best for everthing else and please do not delete this blog..thanks for everything...tataz
The Super Bongo, I think it's funny you would worry about Schmoo being adversely affected by the absence of his classmates. My first thought was that his classmates would be adversely affected by the absence of Schmoo's positive example. :-)
Seriously though, homeschooling is a serious challenge. You can't half-ass it and a lot of it depends upon the kid being able to enjoy the unconventional instead of being made uncomfortable and isolated by it.
Over the course of the year, we've learned that Jen likes nothing better than rising to a challenge and making that extra effort, that Schmoo is certainly able to appreciate the unconventional and that on the ocassions he does want to be just like the other kids, he's not afraid to say so.
Somehow, I think Schmoo's gonna be just fine.
Jennifer, Vegan Lunch Box has been my favourite blog over the past 8 months or so, and I have read it every day, enjoying seeing what inventive things you come up with, and I'm not even vegetarian or have kids! I am sad to hear you won't be back like now, but I appreciate all your hard work and dedication over the last year, and your blog has inspired me to look hard at my own diet, and try to be more healthy, and eat more veg!
Thanks, and enjoy your summer!
Ditto to all of the above. VLB will be sorely missed, but you've given ideas and inspiration to so many people, that there will be vegan lunchboxes everywhere!
Looking forward to the cookbook. Have a lovely summer.
So sad not to read your daily lunches. Hope you will update every now and then.Have a great Summer and with homeschooling!
I love sushi! best one in tha world?: in Vancouver........now living in France: not as good and expensive....So I do mine..you can fill the rice ones only with avocado and some sesame grains and is gooooood!
thank you so much, jennifer -- i have enjoyed your blog this year, and it's become a part of my daily routine (i get up every morning and sit down with my tea to check out yesterday's lunch box). it's also inspired me (a vegetarian, with vegetarian kids) to both cut further animal products out of our diet and also to look at daily lunch box packing as a creative challenge, rather than a tedious chore. i'll be preordering your book for sure!!
Aww your leaving? thats so sad, how will my day ever be complete? Doesnt Shmoo still have to eat lunch if he is home-schooled??
hope that you will consider year two, maybe insted of a lunch box, reciepes that a kid could help make for lunch since Shmoo will be home with you.
Have a wonderful summer and I looked forward to your cookbook.
Good luck with everything, Jennifer. I've been inspired to pay more attention to my own vegan lunches since finding your blog. I cannot wait for your cookbook! and I've put in an order for a laptop lunch box for Christmas.
Enjoy your summer!
This blog has jump started several meal ideas and made me feel a little more comfortable raising our future child Vegan.
Thanks for everything. You've inspired me in many ways. Sorry to hear you won't be back. I always look forward to your posts. Enjoy the summer and i can't wait for the cookbook!
Good luck with the cookbook, I'll be watching for it! It has been a pleasure to see all the great lunches that you have packed, thank you for sharing that part of your lives with us! I've been inspired to eat better lunches myself, said as I eye my pb&j that I brought today :), and I will be frequenting your archives for ideas!
Enjoy you're summer!
Where you've really inspired me is in creating waste-free lunches. I used to go through Ziploc bags like they were going out of style, but now I can't remember the last time I used one. Thank you!
Thank you so much for your site. I have really enjoyed reading it.
My husband and I would like to raise our own children (when we have them) as vegans and your site helps me to feel inspired and reassured about this commitment.
All the best with your cookbook. I hope that it comes out in Australia.
I wanted to tell you that I've loved reading your daily lunchbox posts. I really like your website. I will be sad to not see daily posts next year, but I will keep checking the site from time to time. (I get a lot of great meal ideas!) You've really done an excellent job promoting a healthy diet for your son (I've never heard of a child being so excited about brussel sprouts! :) ). I wish you much luck and look forward to reading your cookbook. Peace, lisa
I am not vegan or even vegetarian however I have thoroughly enjoyed The Vegan Lunchbox. Thank you for sharing with us! I serve my family meatless meals once or twice a week and gained a lot of inspiration from you. Like so many others have said in the comments I to will still pop back from time to time and see if you have posted for us. Good luck with your cookbook. I love to cook and to eat and am a cookbook junkie so please let us know if/when it is available in Australia.
Well you know sushi can be incorporated into homeschooling! A homeschool blog maybe??? We made it a few days ago pics here.
Have loved your blog and wish you all the best for the future :)
Thankyou so much for your inspiration! I only discovered you about a month ago, but I have really enjoyed your posting and am slowly cutting out my meat, eggs, dairy etc as a result. All the best with the homeschooling! Wish Shmoo a happy summer for me :)
i understand you wanting YOUTIME but please don't leave us! posting now and again will do us all just fine. every day is a brutal thing.
thanks for the inspiration and dream in colors
Aw, thanks everyone! :-)
i'm late...lots of bloggin' problems, but i wanted to thank you for being such a wonderful vegan inspiration for me & your cookbook is up there on my wish list. have a fabulous summer with your family!
I'm happy to hear that you're leaning towards homeschooling for next year, but we'll surely miss the daily updates on little Shmoo's lunches. You have been an inspiration to so many people. From reading comments in this blog, I see that this has made an impact on people's diets and thinking toward veganism. Thank you, Jennifer.
Have a great summer. And as a homeschooling mom myself, I'm looking forward to homeschooling posts in the future.
Oh hey, there's a Homeschool Convention in WA next week.
You know, this really inspired me to make some sushi! hehe, I'm serious, I went right into the kitchen and whipped some up (I already had jasmine rice in the frig). I put sun dried tomatoes in the center, which was really tastey. And of course soy sauce and wusabi (am i spelling that right) on the side.... I accidentially dipped into the wusabi a little too far and my mouth was... well... it's so hard to describe, I guess hot... no not really... wusabi-fried! I was agasp for a second and as soon as it was there it was gone. I like that. Anyway, i'm rambling. I really like your site and am going to get a laptop lunch box before school starts, they are so great. I'm in school from about 7:30am to 1pm this summer, so it will be great to have. You have also given me so many lunch/snack ideas I cannot even count them... thank you.
I've loved every post!
Thank you for a very enjoyable vegan journey. I enjoyed the Vegan Lunch Box soooooo much! Your creative, healthy, and tasty ideas were an inspiration. Good luck with the homeschooling. We'll miss the Vegan Lunch Box. Maybe it will be time to start the Chronicles of a Vegan Homeschool Kid's Lunch or something like that. God bless you!
Jen, you are wonderful. Thanks for letting me (us) all in on a year of originality and fun!
i can't WAIT until that cookbook comes out!!!
Just wanted to let you know how much I've enjoyed your blog. I'm amazed at the attention to detail (and time!) that you spent on making your son's lunches. He's a lucky kid to have such a talented mom. I can't wait to read the cookbook!
I have loved VLB. I am also a homeschooling mom and although I'm not vegan, I try to prepare food for my family that is free of artificials and nutrient dense. Your site has given me lots of ideas. I can tell you though that if you homeschool there will be lots of field trips requiring a portable lunch! Look forward to hearing more about your life and decisions in the future.
I have no kids, I only just recently became vegan. I am a judgemental person, a drummer in a very loud indie rock band, and I am from Nebraska, which is not exactly the haven for veganism. Yet, Vegan lunch box is on my favorites list and I checked it everyday. Thanks for the posts. Have a great summer.
Sushi ! Great!
it has been an immense joy to check your blog and see what yummy, creative things you've come up with. so much, that i keep trying to remember to jot down the ideas so i can remember to make them when i have my own little kid running around. i was looking forward to next year's vegan lunchbox and sad to see that it won't be making a return. but i am excited about the cookbook. good luck with everything!
I'll be sad next year when I do not see new lunches every day on your site. Like others, I am looking forward to your book.
Also, I wanted to let you know what a profound effect this blog had on me personally. I had been vegetarian for almost 5 years and really believed that I could not make the switch to vegan.
Some how, I found this site and it made me question myself. If you were making these wonderful lunches for little schmoo, why did I believe that the being vegan was so difficult.
The comments on your site, led me to other vegan blogs. What a great community we have! I decided to try being vegan for few weeks. It has been almost 2 months now and I've got no intention of going back!
That is a credit to you and the other vegan bloggers out there. If anyone thinks that they are only preaching to the choir, they are mistaken. Posting about the great food you are eating is just as effective if not more than explaining the reasons to go veg*n.
Thank you Jennifer and the other bloggers that inspired me!
I will be looking forward to your book.
Thanks so much for an entertaining, daily stop on my blog route! You are a great mom and Shmoo is so lucky to have you!
Thanks also for showing that veing veg soesn't have to be boring and tasteless! I look forward to your book!
Best of Luck!
YUM! I'm coming to your house for lunch!!
And Authentic Chinese Cuisine is a great book. :)
Oh, please, please, please. No VLB? Have mercy on us and post a breakfast, lunch, and dinner each week. Something! We'll miss your blog!
thank you
chat sohbet muhabbet
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