For the next few months I'll be featuring lunch box menus inspired by cuisines and cultures around the world and around the United States. It's the kind of cooking I enjoy the most, and I can't wait to get started! I'm kicking the journey off with one of my fall favorites...
It's that time of year again: the big end-of-summer eggplant/pepper/tomato harvest! And you know what that means: ratatouille!
That's right, it's more than a cute cartoon! It's a classic French country stew made with eggplants, peppers, tomatoes, and zucchini. I added cannellini beans to mine, although the traditional recipe doesn't call for them.
Alongside are a mini-loaf of wheat bread and a bar of Newman's Sweet Dark Chocolate (Newman's is our favorite dark chocolate -- smooth, not too bitter).
How cool! I love learning about different foods from around the world! Can't wait to see all the awesome international lunches you will create!
I wanted to make a ratatouille tonight for dinner! What recipe do you use or do you make up your own? Would you mind posting it? I'd love to try it out as it's the first time I'll be making it.
I'm excited to see all your international lunches!! If I move back there, I'll help you make some :)
So...is this going to be the theme of your new cookbook? :-)
>>So...is this going to be the theme of your new cookbook? :-)
Maaaaybe ... ;-)
Eesh, I made my own version. If you haven't already made yours write me an email ( jmccann "at" veganlunchbox "dot" com ) and I will send you the recipe if you promise to make it and let me know how it goes.
Oh gosh, this is going to be good : )
More ideas, more great tasty pics, I am excited!
Love the mini-loaf idea as well1
I made some last month and it lasted for-ev-er. And like you say, it only gets better.
I just wanted to say that recently I became an avid reader of your blog, and you have inspired me immensely to delve further into the vegetarian/vegan approach. Growing up, I always enjoyed plant-based meals more than meat. As a child, I felt bad knowing it was from an animal, but I couldn't always avoid it because I grew up in a family where meat was pushed toward me to be "healthy" (since I am petite). Your blog puts such a fun spin on something I already love (lunch boxes) and something I care about (healthy eating).
Now that I am a freshman in college and less surrounded by family meat-based meals, I feel more free to begin exploring a veggie lifestyle. Please keep on writing, and know that you've encouraged one more person to make better choices! :)
Thank you so much,
It was wonderful, lovely, delicious, so good! I'll definitely have to make it again sometime. I ended up using navy beans. I blogged about it but unfortunately it didn't photograph as well as yours! But it was still mighty tasty. Thanks again Jennifer!
This is totally off topic but in all your pics of shmooes lunches you show the same lunchbox. What kind/brand of lunchbox is it? Thanks! Kim
I've been reading your blog forever, way before you had a cookbook and became so famous. I've never commented before, but I have always admired the incredible artistry and love you put into your lunches.
So I sent you an award. It's on my blog. Hope you enjoy passing it on to your favorites too.
Yes, it does get better. I just finished off a bowl from the batch I made last week. I used the recipe from The New Basics Cookbook, with the addition of CSA celery. Beans are a great idea. I will add them next time.
I've never officially made ratatoille, but I'm sure I've made something similar without realizing it was. I need to do that soon!
You must include some psuedo-indian recipes--especially in a "tiffin" box... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dabbawala
Can't wait to see everything you come up with.
Hello. My name is Edgar and I'm an editor at OpposingViews.com, the debate website. Since we both cover vegetarianism, veganism and health, I thought I'd drop you a note. I would've e-mailed you but I couldn't find an address.
See, we're currently having a discussion about whether or not vegetarians are healthier. You can see it here:
Although vetted experts are the ones doing the debating, anyone can contribute by choosing a side and posting comments about the experts' arguments.
Check it out and, if you have the time, let me know what you think at eacosta@opposingviews.com
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