Kadri writes:
"My favourite non-dairy yoghurt has to be YoSa. It's oat-based and flavoured with real fruits and berries.
"It's absolutely wonderful - their organic bluberry-banana YoSa and plum YoSa are incredlibly good as well. I'm not sure whether one can get it in USA, but if you can, give it a go. I'm sure you'll love it, too."
I'm sure I would, if only I could!
I would love to try oat yogurt! Never seen it before!
It really is good. It's hard sometimes to find vegan food in here (I live in Finland) but that is one good thing what they do in here. If the post would be faster I would be happy to send some example to you just to thank you about this blog.
that sounds so cool. Now that I think about it just about anything that you would make a "milk" out of could be a yogurt with a little work.
I bet it's tasty! I'm sure it's only a matter of time before it's here in the U.S.
I lived in Latvia for three years, and Yosa was an expensive staple in my diet- although, I will say it took some getting used to. I'm not vegan (but lactose intolerant) so I was trying to cut the dairy out of my diet when I first tried it, but still very used to the taste of dairy yogurt. Very different. Once I stopped comparing though, and just appreciated Yosa for what it was, I LOVED EM! They are deeelish.
wow so amazing, i would love to try them, but i doubt they can be sold here in Puerto Rico =(
I emailed them :-)
My absolute favorite Yosa is the strawberry-banana, it's sooo good and healthy - it doesn't even have any added sugar!
If you can't find oat yogurt in the shops there, you should try making your own :)
I would love this! I cannot have coconut (baby has allergies and I'm nursing) and I cannot have milk or soy. It pretty much leaves me with no alternative.
Perhaps some day...
We have those in Sweden too
Is it really Vegan? The website finfood.fi says, "Yosa is a milk-free snack product containing milk acid and bifido bacteria." Where do they get "milk acid" from? The full link is: http://www.finfood.fi/finfood/finnfoo1.nsf/154b9be36a0177ddc225718800384f71/62ab821cfdbeff6cc2257229002d7a66?OpenDocument
They sell oat yogurt at my local health food store (I live in NY). I've never tried it though, maybe I'll have to now!
Yosa yougurt is really yummy, unfortunately one cannot get it outside Finland. I am a Finn living outside Finland and wish I could buy it here too.
As mentioned here before we have them in Sweden too, but they are... discusting. The colour of dish water and the flavour of, I really don´t know. Not fruit anyway. And certainly not youghurt. I´ve tried all the flavours a couple of times, but given up. But I do say jippie! to the fact that we now can get both strawberry and blueberry soygurt: rich, smooth and creamy. And ceartinly not grey...
I like to taste Oat Yogurt very much. I have never seen. Can you suggest me how to make it ?
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Tried Yosa yoghurt for the first time today (the banana & strawberry one) - and thought it was really nice! (Someone asked above if it's really vegan - yep, it is - the yoghurt contains lactic acid bacteria (lactobacillus) and bifido bacteria - nothing to do with milk. :o)
Sounds easy enough to make...I'll have to try it! Thanks!
I found your site by googling "Yosa yogurt." I googled it because I tried it for the first time today, the blueberry-banana flavor. Without a doubt, it was the worst interpretation of yogurt I have ever had. The taste was chalky and the consistency was like loose jell-o. It is not good at all. I definitely prefer All-pro soy yogurt to this oat stuff.
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