Verdict: It must have been quite a while since we last had horchata. When I told him it was in his lunch today he said, "Oh YUM! I don't remember what that tastes like." A good lunch, easy to throw together and very well received. 5 stars.
P.S. No lunch tomorrow, see you Thursday!
P.P.S. Gee, if I'd been thinking at all I would have saved this lunch for Friday -- Cinco de Mayo!! Oh well, I guess I posted it early so now you all can make it for Friday!
I like the bean dips you do. Shmoo's funny, because I remember you having horchata in the lunchbox what seems like yesterday! Funny that he said Yum, but then that he couldn't remember!!!
Great lunch and I like the fruit combo.
Wow, Shmoo must have been the envy of the school today with a fun lunch like that. Great idea!
Schmoo's enthusiasm is adorable.
I was so happy the first time a tried jicama.
I randomly picked up this odd vegetable at the grocery store and was pleasantly surprised to find its clean, white flesh so sweet and crunchy.
My dad introduced me to exciting/exotic foods when I was young. I'm so glad he did; food aventures are such fun. I'm sure your son is just as appreciative.
Ohhh...this is one of my favourite Shmoo lunches.
Oh weird - I just logged on to check shmoo's lunch as I was eating my dinner - tortilla chips with layered bean dip!!! Shmoo's looks better than mine though as I was out of avocado. how funny!
mmmm bean dip *drool*
Hi jennifer! Great blog you have here, I just love checking up on what's in the lunchbox every weekday.
As a vegan university student living at home with mom and dad, it saves me so much money to pack a lunch each day, yet I was always stumped when it came to packing substantial nutritious lunches for myself. I recently discovered The Vegan Lunchbox (after the school term ended for the summer, what a pity), so now I'll have plenty of lunchbox inspiration for when classes resume in september! My mom just loves the bright and cheerful array of healthy goodies shmoo gets everyday.
Watermelon! I was so happy to see big bins of watermelon at the market the other day.
I had a time where I drank horchata alllll the time. It's so good!
I LOVE horchata, grew up drinking it. Alice, Rice Dream actually makes Horchata, so all you have to do is buy the brik of it! YUM!
As always, great looking lunch Jennifer!
my mouth seriously watered lookin at that one! lol
Mmm layers are fun. You can pick the amount of each layer you want.
This looks fantastic! I can't wait to get my lunchbox, so I can blatantly imitate your fantastic lunches. It will be exciting to try out all the neat combinations of things! I don't have room (or appropriate tupperware) to do this kind of thing right now. . .
I have to try it!!! I like bean layers.
Yammy recipe: Yogurt Bars
Hi, Alice! Actually, I bought Rice Dream Horchata. It's sold in boxes on the shelf with the nondairy milks at my grocery/health food store. I haven't tried making my own yet, but would like to someday.
I never thought about putting a bean dip in my lunch. Great idea! Thanks!
My family has been using the "Tofutti" brand for all our milk product replacement stuff (sour cream, cream cheese, etc) but I still feel like I'm eating dairy products that have 'turned', lol. Slightly off-putting. If anyone could recommend a better brand, I'd love them!
Hey! Now I know what to make for dinner tonight! I was wandering around wondering what new and satisfying dish I could make...LOVE those refried beans! Thanks a million, Jennifer.
Wildwood sour cream is very good. I'm not even vegan (was just vegan for Lent) but I enjoyed it a lot! We also tried the Tofutti and thought it was fine, but not as good as Wildwood. I really like their tofu, too, which I use even when I'm not being vegan for Lent. :-)
Vegan tortillas are easy!
Mix together 2 cups of flour (white or whole wheat or any combo), 1 teaspoon of salt, and 1 teaspoon of baking powder. Cut in 1/4 cup vegetable shortening. Stir about 3/4 cup warm water, to make a soft dough.
Take off blobs of dough and roll them out on a floured surface. Cook on a hot griddle on both sides. Try to fend off family until you can get them to the table. :-)
If you can find vegan soft tortillas, baking them is quite easy and healthy. I just mist or lightly brush each tortilla with oil (canola or olive) that has a few drops of lime juice in it. Bake at 400 degrees ~5min, until lightly browned. You can also put salt or whatever you like on top. A good compromise between easy and homemade!!
Wow Jennifer, that looks and sounds unbelievably delicious. I think I'm going to skip doing it for lunch and do it for dinner instead!
You really have a gift for presentation. Schmoo's lunches just cry out for you to taste them. If getting non-vegans to just try vegan food is the challenge, Schmoo's lunches may be the solution.
I love your blog! I hope when I have kids I make them lunches like yours! They look so yummy.
it's 11:15pm, i'm pregnant, i'm hungry, and i want that lunch now!!!! :D all of it!! i wish i could find horchata :(
i first had jicama at the cali pizza kitchen in their bbq chopped chicken salad (they sub avocado for chicken!!). i wasn't vegan then, so i had the dressing that came with and it was fab.
Where on earth do you find Rice Dream Horchata? I've never even seen it before, but it sounds fantastic!
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