Two blueberry scones, two kiwi fruit, and an assortment of tea sandwiches on storebought English Muffin Bread with the crusts cut off: Tofurkey deli slices with vegan mayo, cucumber with vegan cream cheese, and radish with margarine. Beverage: berry-flavored herbal ice tea with apple juice ice cubes.
Verdict: Little shmoo ate half the radish sandwich and half the cucumber sandwich, and only had room for one scone. Everything else was reduced to post tea-time crumbs. He loved having iced tea for lunch.
3 stars.
i just plain love your site!
this is the first time i've commented, but i check it daily (i live 2 time zones away though so i have to wait all day!).
recipe for scones? :)
also, what kind (brand) of tea is that or do you make it?
Mmmm. This is a good idea. I can put all sorts of things in the sandwiches. :) And scones? Tea? Connor would suck that up. Thank you for the idea! He's going to have a great Monday. :)
This one and Halloween have been my favorites so far! I just love having tea in the afternoons anyway...I didn't even think to pack myself this treat for lunch! As always thanks for the great ideas! Oh and congradulations on Shmoo eating 2 BOWLS of salad! LOL!
Rocket Science! Apple Juice Cubes are going to be my new main tea comrades. Thanks for the wonderful idea.
Hi, jessica! Re. tea, we love "Berry Blast" and "Fruit Medley" from Adagio: www.adagio.com. They have fantastic teas.
Hi, leslie! Yes, the ice cubes kept the tea cold without watering it down, and gave it a touch of sweetness. Little shmoo also likes to eat them in a bowl as "apple ice cream". They do tend to stick to the ice cube tray, though. Submerge the bottom of the tray in some hot water for a few seconds to help them release.
This doesn't apply to this lunch, but when you send a thermos, where does it go? Can it fit into the lunchbox when the juice box isn't in the outer case? I enjoy the blog tremendously, and I love the ideas I'm getting from you. I'm debating whether to buy 1, 2 or 3 lunch kits (one each for me and DD and DS).
I just noticed the crusts were cut off the bread. Does little schmoo not like crusts? My grandmother always used to tell me that eating crusts strengthened the teeth, I wonder if that is true or not...
Hi, noreen! Oh, that's a good question. No, it doesn't fit in the lunch box case, so I tuck it in his backpack. Of course, this means I worry that he will forget it is in there. So I tuck a special note in his lunch box that says "Hope you are having a kind day! Don't forget your thermos! Love, Mom". The one time I decided I was being silly and he wouldn't forget he came home indignant -- "You didn't remind me about my thermos!" "Oh, did you forget it?" "No, but you're supposed to remind me."
Hi, anonymous! I don't usually cut the crusts off, but these were "tea sandwiches", which traditionally have no crusts. When I was little I was told crusts help you whistle. :-)
my mom tried to convince me that all the nutrients were in the crust (like a potato). I was an adult before I realized the absolute absurdity of this idea. Crust is exactly the same content wise as the rest of the bread, only browned. I actually read one study that said it MAY cause cancer. But doesn't everything? ;)
I love Tofurky slices! Especially the Italian ones. Much better than Yves.
Keep the lunches coming! I like to use some of your ideas for my own lunch.
I had a terrible thought...what will happen in the summer? YIKES!! No school! You'll have to post your at-home lunches then.
hi ! i read awhile back that you were making vegan biscotti and i've had good look with this vegan chocolate hazelnut biscotti recipe from vegetarian times. it's a little involved (and i skip the cinnamon topping) but they're really good.
Storebought English Muffin Bread? Most of the storebought EMB I've seen contains dairy...sourcream or butter or something. What brand do you buy?
I just bought Tofurkey slices that have the vegan stuffing and cranberry sauce inside them! I will save them for Thanksgiving! Can't wait!
Hi there- Love your site, very inspiring! I am part of a moms group with almost 250 moms, and some of us were wondering how old (approx) Little Schmoo was (or what grade), with such a wonderfully diverse palate. Ours are not yet in kindergarten, so we don't have much frame of reference. Thanks!
Hi, Harmonia! It's the strangest thing, but it's from WinCo, a mainstream grocery store. Their bakery carries the cheapest bread in town, and one day I picked up a loaf and glanced at the label, not expecting much. It turns out that their breads are all natural and mostly vegan! It was the last thing I would have expected, so you just never know.
Thanks, annelies! Little shmoo recently turned seven and is in first grade. You're so lucky, your children are the perfect age to be introduced to lots of healthy foods -- it's easier when you start them young.
J- Does little schmoo even realize he eats vegan? I think if you introduce them young enough, then don't notice or care (as long as the food is good!) :-) My stepson recently asked me what a vegitarian is and why people become vegitarian. I had to tread very lightly. While I would love for him to eat less me, he is my stepson, an his Dad (my hubby) doesn't want to go vegitarian. :( I don't think that he realized that when he ate chicken, he was eating a dead animal. I'll continue to discuss it with him openly. I think he's still chewing on the info I gave him thus far. Great website!!
I adore those tofurkey deli slices, especially the hickory smoked ones! Most days, I think I am extremely jealous of your lunchbox meals. What a lucky child, indeed!
Thanks Jennifer!
I thought bread crusts were supposed to grow hair on your chest. Um, not so desirable for some.....
Zac is the one in our family who *loves* the heel of the bread. I can't hardly get one myself because he loves them. If I bake bread and then cut the heel for myself, he asks if I can cut the other side off for him!
Great lunch box! You even don't need teapot for tea!
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