Little shmoo has been begging me for three months for a can of
Tuno from the health food store. I asked my friend Mike at the store, "Have you tried this?"
"Is it good?"
With that glowing recommendation in mind, I put off buying it for as long as I could, but the shmoo finally wore me down and I bought a can.
The instructions said to use Tuno as you would tuna, so I mixed it with vegenaise and capers and put it on white bread. I packed it with tater tots & ketchup, green beans, and grapefruit segments.
After I took some pictures I still felt extremely doubtful, so I said, "I think you better take a bite of this now in case you don't like it." Shmoo took a bite and made a big nasty face. I took a bite and made an even bigger nasty face. The Tuno went in the trash and I slapped together a pb&j.
I thought about taking a new picture and forgetting this whole sorry incident, but instead decided to let it stand so I could ask all you Tuno lovers out there...where did I go wrong?
Verdict: 0 stars for Tuno, with a tip o' the hat to peanut butter for always being there for me.