Verdict: He said the Yumm! Sauce was "too sour" (I notice that whenever I make uncheeses I have to use half the lemon juice called for or I get the "too sour" verdict...they seem just fine to me, so I guess it's a sign of his young, sensitive palate). Anyway, he ate some of the cauliflower plain and ate every last bit of the pasta and lima beans and fruit. "Those are some tasty limas!" he reports. 4 stars.
Hi Jennifer,
I love your blog-----who knew the contents of a little boy's lunch box could be so riveting!
I just wanted to say I am from Eugene, Oregon.....the home of YUMM! Sauce. Isn't it the best!?!
I will really miss checking in when little Schmoo is out of school for the holidays.
Keep up the great work-----you've got a winner here!
that lunch looks really good and i clicked on the "yumm sauce" link..too bad we don't have that place over on the east coast..anyways i found it interesting waht your son said about the sauce being too sour, taste buds supposedly change/regenerate every 7 years so maybe he wont find it sour in a few years, just some food for thought, anyways another great lunch!
Rosemary, you are so lucky!! I could live on this stuff.
You can only get this stuff in Eugene? Maybe that'll warrant a trip down. Too bad I didn't know while we were driving up from California!
1-877-FOR-YUMM to order.
I was wondering if you've ever tried making cake frosting with tofu. Or has anyone else? If so, do you recommend it? I'm looking for a good vanilla frosting without using a ton of sugar and vegan butter. Any advice would be muc appreciated! Thanks!
As a kid (and not veg) my two fave veggies were sprouts and lima beans! Everyone was amazed! I think it was a young veg in the making!
My dip container lids crack after some use, too. Have you emailed Amy directly, Vegan Knitter? She sent an envelope full of extra dip lids for me. In the meantime, does that Press n' Seal product seal well enough to use until new lids arrive?
Hi Amko... I make chocoate frosting with tofu. Use silken tofu, melted veg chocolate chips and blend in a food processor. It's great. You can google search tofu frosting or vegan frosting. In the How it All Vegan book there's frosting recipes too.
Thanks Leslie!
Vegan Knitter~
I second what CoolBeans says call and leave a message if you have to. I've had my dip container lids crack twice now and not only did they send replacements, they explained that there seems to be a flaw in the design (which they have now updated) and the cracks seem to happen when people pack oil type dressings.
vegan knitter~
I sent mine back to them. Since they're in California, I think they recycle alot more plastics than they do here in GA
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