Friday, January 20, 2006

Ham Roll-Ups

Here are some vegan ham deli slices rolled up with vegan cream cheese; watermelon, cantaloupe, and red grapes, and a wholegrain Pumpkin Carob Chip Muffin. Someone sent me a link to this Japanese, non-vegan bento blog, and it inspired me to try packing little disks of corn-on-the-cob instead of my usual cooked frozen corn.
Verdict: The corn was a big hit! In fact, everything was a big hit. In fact, I think this kid must be going on a growth spurt or something because his lunches this week have been completely picked clean. He's also eating big snacks and big dinners. What are we going to do when he hits his teens? We might need to buy an extra refrigerator. 5 stars.


allyt said...

You are the best mother ever! Looking at the lunches made me hungry! Thanks for the ideas.

Anonymous said...

I have that blog! Here's another bento blog
I love packing little ears of corn!

Anonymous said...

Since nobody had commented yet, I thought I'd leave my second ever comment!

I continue to be amazed and inspired by your blog, Jennifer. As I've said before, your care and affection just shines through in the attention you give to Little Shmoo's lunches.

I was hoping to get Laptop Lunch sets for my partner and myself, but unfortunately I've had an email price quote back and the postage costs to Scotland would be prohibitive, so I'm trying to source something similar closer to home. Even if they'd been cheaper, I'd feel very guilty having something shipped so far across the world!

A belated congratulations on your Proggy - you deserve the recognition, and I hope it does wonders for the sale of your cookbook when it's released.

Best wishes,

Edinburgh, Scotland

Shannon said...

Man, what allyt above said. I just finished off a big bowl of homemade tomato soup so I'm quite full, yet I now crave little corn wheels, fruit, and a muffin! Happens every time I check this blog. Keep up the great blog!

Anonymous said...

Or, two laptop lunchboxes!

Anonymous said...

When Shmoo's a teenager you'll just have to invest in a larger lunchbox. Love the corn idea.

limeywannabe said...

Oooh, what brand of vegan ham is that?

Maureen said...

I am so impressed! I had the best time looking over the lunches you've packed from the beginning! Can you come and pack lunches for me too? Keep up the great work!

Anonymous said...

Inspired as always by your blog! Regarding growth spurts, my nearly 5-yr-old vegan-since-birth superkid will head off to school soon and she literally eats from the moment she wakes up till bedtime! Do you ever send extra food for Schmoo? Just in case? :)

Jennifershmoo said...

Hi, Christina -- it's Yves brand.

Hi, Mary! I've been packing what I think he'll have time to finish -- they only have 20 minutes for lunch and he tends to want to finish quickly so he can run off to recess or computer time. I make sure he has a good breakfast and a healthy snack when he gets home, I think that helps. He has had to learn to eat more at one sitting and with a time limit; here at home there's more snacking throughout the day, like you describe.

SDGvegan said...

My son now wants what he calls, "corn tires," in his lunch too.

Harmonia said...

I thought I visited here yesterday but guess I sisn't - shame on me! Anyhow, great lunch, as always!

Watermelon sounds good to me right now.


Anonymous said...

i notice that you send pears sometimes. well i found a pear version of that baby banana this weekend at wild oats [do you guys have these in washington?]. they are called seckel pears and they are itty bitty and would fit in the lunchbox i'm sure. i haven't tried one yet so i can't vouch for the taste, but the guy working told me that they are similar in taste just "a petite version".

i look forward to tomorrow's lunch!


Anonymous said...

I saw this on another site and thought of your cute lunches.

Anonymous said...

jessica here again. i meant to post a picture of the baby pear next to a normal pear for size comparison for you.

here it is:

Anonymous said...

you are super awesome!

Jennifershmoo said...

Hi, Jessica -- those little pears are adorable. I'll have to keep my eyes open for them, they'd be perfect for the lunchbox.

Anonymous said...

Mmm, terrific sounding lunch! I love the little melon balls! The corn disks are a great idea. I'll have to try that.

Anonymous said...

Just wanted to add I think tht your blog is terrific and an inspiration to moms. Thank you and I am so happy that I found you!

Anonymous said...

It's beautiful as usual. Could you share your pumpkin carob muffin recipe sometime? Please?

Anonymous said...

congratualtions on being nominated for a bloggie!
i voted for you of course!

Anonymous said...

Hi Jennifer,

Thank you for showing people everywhere that a vegan diet can be varied and appealing. I saw these today and thought it would be great for your schmoo (and my schmoo-husband :)

I can't wait for the cookbook to come out.

Anonymous said...

The newest episode of Eating Well Magazine has a section all about bananas. It throroughly describes about those baby bananas you bought for Shmoo. I would give some info, but I only read it in line at the check-out. You can probably view it online too, or at the store, the new cover is blue with a bunch of large bananas on the cover.

Jennifershmoo said...

Hi, April -- done! Follow the link.

Hi, ses! Yes, I love those Mr. and Mrs. Bentos. I was afraid they would be too difficult for Little shmoo to open and close, so I was glad we found Laptop.

Anonymous said...

Every time I visit (which is almost daily now) I think to myself, She'd better never stop posting these cause she's got great Ideas". Then I add "But my kids had better never get a good look at this site." My oldest starts school in the fall. I'm thrilled to have found a place to peek for alternatives to the fallback cucumber sandwiches.

Anonymous said...

what kind of vegan ham do you use? :) it looks mighty yummy! and also, the kind of cream cheese? I need good both :(