I first made Twinkie Dogs on March 7th; follow the link to get the recipe and find out how it's done.
Verdict: These have been some empty-looking lunch boxes! I found a couple wayward peas and orange rinds left. 5 stars for Number 2.
See you Monday with Number One! I've been having so much fun reading everyone's guesses! I think you'll all be as surprised as I was...
what's the curvy cutter? I'm a kitchen gadget addict! I just got a spiroli (sp?) anyways, it's SUPER!
and my kids are already out of school, but have requested twinkie dogs for monday's lunch (they're coming to work with me---ack.)thanks for the SUPER blog!
OOO I can't wait! The suspense is killing me!
Since no one has guessed number 1 yet, I will guess that it is something so simple that everyone has overlooked it. Perhaps one of the faux meat and faux cheese combo sandwiches or the cat shaped pb&j.
I wanted to thank you for recommending World Vegetarian on your site. I also picked it up after seeing it here and I'm enjoying all the tasty bean recipes. My favorite so far was the Capriot Lima Bean Stew.
Oh no, I hope #1 isn't Tuno!
My guess would be Wellingtons or maybe those Mini-Hand-Pies? Something extravagant, maybe?
#1 is cannellini yam hummus, right?! think about it over the weekend, schmoo.
i'll guess that shmoo's #1 will be the cute and tasty tofu fish sticks with tater tots mainly because it's one of my faves
Your blog is the best! I just started reading it, and I'm so sad that it's almost summer vacay! But I look forward to trying out your recipes :)
Wow I really thought the soba noodles would be #1 or the twinkie dogs cuz that was just dead clever...hmmm...now I have to go back through the archives and try to guess...
This is too fun! I vote for the inari sushi lunch....that was one of my favs and he'd get to use chopsticks! =)
I love your blog.
I very rarely comment but I wanted to make a guess about #1. I'm going to guess that it was the dogs and macaroni.
I just don't know what I'll do this summer with out your awesome/appetizing lunches. Ugh!
Hey. . . I finally caved and created a profile. . . everything always looks so delicious! And I'm really looking forward to making vegan croissants!
This is off-topic, but. . . does anyone know what's going on with Kenny over at veganlunchcast?
yeah...i think its the tofu pillows with sushi rice. its my favorite too! i'll miss you over the summer!
maybe some kind of soup??
I can't beleive we have to wait until monday to find out!!
>>I can't believe we have to wait until monday to find out!!
Heh heh heh (wicked laughter)
This is fun!
we are eating our nails here, we cant wait to see what will be number one !!
My guesses now are fishsticks or injera.
>>what does Little Shmoo think of all the attention his favorite lunch is getting these days????
Oh, he doesn't know anything about it! I almost never mention the blog to him -- he's too busy playing and being a boy. :-)
>>what's the curvy cutter?
Sorry, it's actually called a "krinkle" cutter. It looks something like this:
It makes cute crinkle cut carrots and zucchini.
hmmmmm, I would expect one of the en croute meals as he seemed fond of food wrapped in a crust. But you said you were surprised, so I have to guess...The fondue lunch.
he has such sophisticated taste for one so young, I'm sure I'll be surprised by his number one choice.
hope you and yours have a nice summer and good luck working on your cookbook.
rats! how did I miss the fondue at #4!
I'm stumped. The spinach phyllo triangles maybe?
I say meatballs or empanada for numero uno.
I was so excited to find a twinkies pan set for less than $15 at an outlet store. Glad I waited. Twinkies dogs on my list to do. Thanks Jennifer.
Wow I personally prefer number 3 to this one.. But it isnt about what I like!
A great kids meal I can imagine.
My guess is the Mac 'n Peas, since you said he can eat bowls and bowls of it!
So over the summer, will you still show us what he eats for lunch? I'm using a lot of your suggestions to plan my own kids' meals, even though we aren't vegans. You serve so many fresh fruit and veggies that I would never think of!
Just please don't let it be vegemite. Blech.
I would've thought Twinkie dogs would have been number one! Maybe it WILL be the inerja...Ethiopian food is ridiculously good! Those peanut butter and jelly muffins from February looked wonderful too.
. . . noon in California on Monday. Oh, the suspense.
And thank you Schmoo family for sharing so much of yourselves with us. Have a great summer!
It's summertime, summertime, sum-sum-summertime!
His favorite lunch is going to be Tuno.
I saw the pan for these at www.gooseberrypatch.com if anyone is having trouble finding them. They call it the Cream Canoe Pan. You can see it here: http://www1.gooseberrypatch.com/gooseberry/products.nsf/v.weball/K204?editdocument&lid=is_K204&cartprocess=vimgics
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