Oh, I think
BentoTV is just about the cutest thing EVER. I want every little bento box, nori punch, and rice mold she carries.
Too bad the show isn't vegan. But I think a lot of the ideas could easily be veganized. (Do veggie dogs make good octopuses?)
OMG, that is hilarious! I love the two-tiered bento box! I wonder where you can get them?
Hi Jennifer Schmoo!
I'm sure you've seen this page.... but just in case:
It's the Vegan Bento photo group on Flickr, where people post pictures of their vegan bento creations. It's pretty fun to look at.
:) amey
Where is the RSS feed!?!?
>>I love the two-tiered bento box! I wonder where you can get them?
She sells all these products in her ebay store -- follow the link on her site.
Wow - what a great find! Thanks for sharing.
Dave Barry featured those octopus hot dog cutters on his Holiday Gift Guide a couple years ago. Sorry, but I think it's pretty disgusting! I never was a fan of hot dogs, though...
I live in Japan, maybe we could work trades...too cute obento boxes for u.s. stuff they don't have here.
I never though obento box can be popular...
We are vegans living in Japan. Really happy to find your blog!
oh great, now i have something new to OBSESS over!!! must have it all, must have rice moulds, must have tierd green crab bento box, must have must have must have... now if only i could find a sanrio type laptop bag my world would be complete
I love bento. I own too many bento items to keep up.
You can get them at any Sanrio Stores, or asian supermarkets.
I love this thank you. You're my lunchbox mentor- I can't tell you how stressful it had been to try and compromise with my son on what he'll eat at school but I've bought the laptop lunch box and am looking forward to an easier year.
Now, I'm dying to use the egg molds. Any bright ideas for vegan things I can mold?
adorable. I never saw this show.
I couldn't get the feed on my (dial up) computer. But man, I still totally got sucked in on the cool bento goodies. I'm waiting on rice molds (which I had been wanting), little veggie cutters, and a nori butterfly shape maker (which I think is just a paper punch, but we'll see). My kids are going to totally dig it (they Love nori!) Thanks for the tip! -Aimee
this is just about the cleverest thing i've seen -- right up there with the vegan lunch box! :o) thanks for sharing that link.
yes they look like paper punches that i've had before? let us know if they are or if they are somehow specific to nori.
Mine just arrived today, and it does indeed look just like the paper punches at the scrapbooking store. Wow, who knew nori could be so much fun? :-)
i blame you. i couldn't afford a laptop lunchbox, so i bought bento for our family. it is seriously addictive. not to mention the vegetarian/vegan sushi obsession it spawned.
oh, and you are keeeeeeeeeeling me over here with your recipes. i've read your blog for freakin' forever, but last week i started working through your recipes. they are all seriously amazing. i'm going to download the rest of them until the cookbook comes out? when is that already?
how exciting! i have strange non-rice eating vegetarian kids, it drives me crazy, they have never liked rice. maybe JUST maybe if it was heart shaped rice with tiny heart nori decorations on it, it would be eaten... i can dream
I just wanted to stop by and thank you for this inspiring blog of yours! I am not a vegetarian (just aspire to eat whole foods), but I keep coming back to your blog for ideas and inspiration. Thank you! I am looking forward to getting your book. :) There are probably lots more non-vegetarian lurkers enjoying your blog. Thank you for sharing pictures of your good eats. :)
oh oh oh, nori punch alert
right now at target in their $1 bins, they have mini scrapbook punches in heart and star and i think leaf, for ONE DOLLAR!! and hey if you scrapook they have some cute scrapbook elements too in teh $1 bin....
check out tupperware.com and go to On the go in the menu bar and see the mealtimes to go pack, it is the cutest bento style/ tiffin style pack i have ever seen, 4 circular containers of varying sizes all with good sealing lids and one with a microwave spout that fit perfectly into a cylindrical insulated bag, i ordered one for my university lunches so they can hold an entires day worth of food, snacks and lunch etc
i agree... i've been watching her for awhile...
chat sohbet muhabbet
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