This summer I posted a series of picnics featuring my stainless steel food carrier. Although I love, love, love my carrier, several times I found myself walking out the door with lunch in hand but napkin and fork still on the kitchen counter. I dreamed of finding a way to attach my utensils to the tiffin so I wouldn't forget them.
Building a better brain wasn't an option, so eventually I got busy in my sewing room and came up with something I'm calling a Tiffin Hugger:

The quilted fabric cinches tight around the top but leaves the handle exposed for easy toting, and includes enough extra space around the food carrier to tuck in a small ice pack or a snack bar or two. A pocket on the outside holds utensils and a snazzy matching napkin. The hugger is not insulated enough to keep food cold all day, but with an ice pack it will keep lunch cool on the way to work or to the park. And it looks darn-tootin' adorable!
It was so much fun I didn't want to stop, so I made four black floral huggers with matching napkins, and three green floral huggers with hot pink napkins. I've decided to try selling them here for $14.00 each (such a bargain!).
Each tiffin hugger will include a napkin and a little stainless steel ramekin with plastic lid (the same kind I use for dressing in lunches like this one). The stainless steel food carrier and bamboo utensils are not included; you'll have to visit To Go Ware to get those.

Wow, thanks everyone! Tiffin Huggers will be heading out across America on Monday!
Depending on how these sell, I would love to make more in different patterns/colors.
You've done it again! So looking forward to the cookbook!
Do you mean just plain black, or black with a pattern that's not so girly?
>>(urg, this comment software keeps killing my comments!)
I know, I've had the worst time with Blogger comments lately!! Such a pain!
These are LOVELY!! You are one accomplished woman! :)
Can't wait for the book!!!!
To be honest I want you to make my lunches, but will settle for the cookbook!!! Can't wait for it to be done and on sale!!!
I bought a tiffin (and the Laptop Luchboxes for my own not-so-small-anymore children) and love the idea of the Tiffin Hugger. I take mine to work and pop it directly in the fridge and if I didn't have that option I would totally buy one. Thanks for inspiring my vegan life - I'm psyched about the cookbook.
what a great idea and so beautifully executed!!!
oh my, these tiffin huggers are so cute! I feel like hugging the huggers myself!
Wow, you have a sewing room... you're so creative and talented! And quite industrious. =P
If you can find matching fabric, it'd be cute if you could make a hugger that looks like a sunflower sprouting leaves or a gardening basket or something similar. ...Patent the "Tiffin Hugger" before someone else notices! =)
If I had a tiffin, I would love a tiffin cozy!! You are so creative!
Wow, Jennifer! Those sure went quickly.
Very, very cute! I can see why you sold out already. Great idea :).
Super cute! I just wanted to let everyone know that there is a sale on the tiffin's until tonight at midnight (MONDAY).
I love the Tiffin Hugger..I wish I had a need for a Tiffin and a Hugger. Oh well..maybe one day.
These are amazing!
You'll have to make more of these Jennifer. For those of us who didn't move fast enough. They're gorgeous, and what a great idea!
If you make more of these I'd love one. My girls and I are out and about so much more this year, this would make our tiffin lunches way more fun.
I wish I had time to make one myself. I love that quilted lookin' one!
Yes, and a shoulder strap too, that's what I need. :D
You are beyond creative! What a good idea, and beautiful to boot.
I am interested in getting one of those tiffins, but I'm worried about the possibilities of re-heating things at work... We only have a microwave, so that would mean that I'd have to use a paper plate anyway...
Hey arcadia,
If memory serves, she got those steel ramekins w/ lids at Target.
If you ever decide to make the Tiffin Huggger again, I would love to carry them at my vegan store in Illinois. We sell the To-Go Ware and this is a great idea! Just let me know if you are ever interested. Linda (
oh my goodness, any chance of getting 4 of these from you???
I want one!!! Sign me up.
Hi there. This is my first time commenting. I found your site about 3 days ago and have been obsessed with it ever since! I have been packing veg (not vegan) lunches in the LapTopLunchboxes for my kids for a few years now and LOVE your creative, inspiring recipes! I would also love a tiffin hugger if you decide to make some more. I am not picky and would take any pattern you make. Thanks so much-you have enriched our lives so much! Not to mention our food!!
Where on earth did you manage to find the steel ramekin? I've been looking for little metal containers with lids without success! Thanks for your help :)
Will you be making any more tiffin huggers? I love, love them. I just recently found your blog and can't wait to buy your book!! Corinne
Not sure how current this thread is; I'm posting on October 2, 2008. Jennifer, I, too, am interested in finding some of the little ramekins with lids. I have several tiffins and it is difficult to get the kids to take a lunch without a container to put yogurt and sauces in. I refuse to buy any new plastic and I'm running out! I have found some on line but they either are too big or don't come with lids. Thanks! I
You're in luck! To-Go Ware sells them now:
hey there, I was wondering, has anyone heard of a ceramic tiffins...or more to the point, non-plastic microwaveable tiffins.
Great idea! I've been thinking about buying a tiffin for quite a while now. I think if I was going to pimp out a tiffin with a 'hugger', it would have to be an aloha pattern =)
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