Our fruit salad for three is filled with banana, kiwi fruit, apple, orange, pineapple, and raspberries. The smaller container carries a travellin' supply of Apricot Date Fudge, one of our favorite recipes from Simple Foods for the Pack. This book contains a fabulous collection of "fudges" that remind me of Date Nut Pop'Ems -- kid-friendly treats made from mashed dried fruits and nuts. I like to keep some on hand for healthy shmoo snacks. These are made from dried apricots, dates, walnuts, coconut, and (here's the key) a squeeze of lime. The dividing paper is keeping my husband's coconut-free fudge separate (he's allergic).
Verdict: We had a great trip! Sadly, I enjoyed our little car snack much more than I did our restaurant meal. I think I'm too spoiled by my own home cooking; vegan choices are really nonexistent sometimes. I ended up eating an iceberg lettuce salad and a plain baked potato. Next time I'm packing the whole meal, darn it!
aww, what a nice snack. But after having just finished a weekend road trip through some more rural areas myself, I totally sympathize re: iceberg lettuce and plan baked potato. One time though, a restaurant owner was kind and creative enough to jazz up my potato with sauted onion and tomato.
Yumm! I love all the groovy snacks you make. I adore healthy fruit and nut snacks. My new favorite thing when I'm craving something sweet is dried figs and dried plums. They really satisfy my dessert desires. This post makes me want to take a little day trip!
That's really too bad about restaurants. Makes travelling hard. My husband and I went to Santa Barbara recently and we were pleasantly surprised about how many vegan options there were. We tried about four or five restaurants with yummy vegan choices. Almost seemed more than San Diego, where we live. It really made vacation more enjoyable.
I went to Gonzaga there in Spokane and I'm wondering where you went out. Hmm...Mizuna? That's the only somewhat vegetarian place I can think of in Spokane and I wouldn't say that it's all that vegan friendly.
Sorry your trip out wasn't that great, but your snacks look good.
I'm lucky to live in Chicago now where there are so many more vegetarian options.
I usually eat raw nuts and seed(rather than roasted and/or salted). Which do you use in the Date Nut Popems? I'd love to try them but want to make sure I get it right the first time. Thanks for all the wonderful vegan food ideas.
Hi, Ms. S -- I always use raw nuts and seeds in my Pop 'Ems. Enjoy!
Hi, I highly suggest for your next Spokane trip you check out tasteeverythingonce.com , it's the local Spokane restaurant review site (no, I'm not affiliated,lol, just a local Spokanite who likes to try new restaurants in the rare times we go out to eat!), and you can search a ton of local restaurants. Might help you next time!
the pop'ems sound a little like larabars. they are our new favorite treat in the house. after years of not being able to eat any more chemically powerbars or anything like it larabars are so easy and delish!
Yes, they're pretty much exactly like Larabars! We love Larabars and the other bars out there made from mashed dried fruit and nuts, but they're pretty spendy. Making our own combinations with a food processor has been fun and a lot less expensive.
Am currently on a weekend getaway and surprised my b-friend with the Date Nut Pop 'Ems. He's HOOKED! Also got inspired by this entry and put together yummy fruit salad and crudites and hummus. I found with the pop 'ems, however, that I used 7 dates (all I had) and didn't come anywhere near using up the less than 1 cup of nut flour. I would suggest far more dates and only about 1/2 C flour. I forgot the coconut - next time!
You have great recipe idea's, I really like this blog! :)
visit jeena's kitchen healthy recipe blog
When eating at a restaurant and left with only crummy salad (ice burg is usually crummy!) and a plain baked potato I ask for the oil and vinegar. They make a tasty potato topper as well, especially if you can talk the kitchen out of some chives and/or basil, red onion, tomato, etc! :)
We always pack bento for the family on road trips on long flights. It's something to remind you of the love and comfort of home while in transit. On planes we are always the envy of everyone around us, and instead of being subjected to travel food, we have something healthy and delicious.
This looks so delicious! :)
All the ingredients in it look great-- and good idea to make this with raspberries!
I've been looking around online for these so I can make trail mix also. :)
Really like your blog
Jennifer: I will *definitely* be trying this.
@Tina- I normally get my Trail Mix from NutsOnline-- I've looked a fair bit and they seem to consistently have the best prices.
Lovely blog and post Jennifer-- all looks really tasty!
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