First, each kit will feature one of these 2.5 ounce stainless steel ramekins with a plastic lid. The ramekins will fit inside a Laptop Lunch System or a To-Go Ware container. They are perfect for holding dips, dressings, nuts or small treats. I can't imagine using my stainless steel lunch boxes without them.
Each kit will also include two or more little Lunch Box Napkins, sewn by yours truly. I've been digging through my fabric stash for the last two weeks, sewing up a huge assortment of napkins in all styles and colors, from the demure to the fun and colorful (I went a little crazy on this, so there are many more than what's pictured above).

Order through PayPal by selecting the "Buy Now" button below. Important: when you place your order you will see a text note field that asks "What's Your Lunch Box Style?" Use this space to tell me anything that will help me choose the right napkins/toys for your order. For example, what kind of lunch box do you use? Is this for a little girl who loves pink, a boy who likes pirates, or a grown-up who likes sock monkeys? Are there any colors you really can't stand? Do you eat with chopsticks? Do you prefer something nondescript? Tell me all about it!
Ooh, I think this will be fun! Supplies are limited, so order quickly before they're all gone.
Lunch Box Accessories Kit
$15.00 (includes shipping)
Wow, thanks! I just sent payment to you and can't wait to see what I get! :D
Hello... I just ordered one too, but I did not see the "What's Your Lunch Box Style" field! (My e-mail address is speedwell at hotmail.)
I have a pure white bento and a pure black bento, and make my own lunch to take to work. Since I'm 40 and work in IT, wild/colorful but not juvenile patterns work for me. The geeker the better :)
Awesome! I've been a lurker for a while and I know my stepson would love some of that stuff.
I do have a completely unrelated question to your post though. I am currently a meat eater (I know don't shoot me) purely out of convenience. For breakfast and lunch when I only have to feed me, I eat vegetarian bordering on vegan. I want to make a permanent switch to veggie and encourage my husband and stepson (when we have him during the week) to do the same or at least believe in the change I am trying to make.
Are there any books that support a veggie lifestyle that aren't written by super advocates of the veggie lifestyle? My husband thinks all of the facts online from veggie sites are crap b/c of course you would defend and support your lifestyle. I'm tired of his eye rolling and scoffs. I need books by dietitians that don't necessarily only support vegetarians or vegans, doctors, etc etc. Can you help me? Thanks!
I am so gonna order one of these tonight! But I had a question...how do you make your napkins? I have tons of fabric scraps at home and they could definitely be used for this!
Oh darn. I got here to late. Cute stuff and great ideas. Maybe next spring.
Darn! You're not making more by any chance.....? :)
where did you get the metal ramekins? I got some at target but the lids break easily...do you have a secret (or not so secret) source?
Hey Jordan, Just a couple of thoughts about your comments...
It's difficult to convince a meat eater to become veg, but you can convince a meat eater of the benefits of eating lower on the food chain and being more aware of the impact of ones diet on the body and the planet.
The new (USDA) food pyramid that came out in the past year strongly supports a diet based more on fruits, vegetables, plants and grains, and less on meat, cheese and dairy.
The American Dietetic Association also recommends a plant based diet and can provide information on making sure you and your family eat a well balanced (plant based diet).
Some other sources of information for your skeptical husband...Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine (check the web site) and the magazine Veg News. Both provide a lot of information from "legitimate" sources and studies which support this lifestyle.
Good Luck and Keep the Faith!
I'm so bummed! I didn't have a chance to sit down and order until just now and their gone. :o( Please let us know if you decide to do more.
jordan, you may want to check out dr. furhman's _Eat to Live_ program, he has a blog connected to it at www.diseaseproof.com. I recommend it mainly b/c his program doesn't go against eating meat but he does strongly recommend that the majority of your calories come from plant-based sources and that you avoid white flour, salt, and processed foods. I've found the blog very informative and really useful.
Thank you guys so much! I'm going to gather up the information, not just for him but for my knowledge as well, and hopefully I can at least get him to support me. Meat has never been a big deal to me and I have always been a little grossed out by the thought of where it comes from. I'm just ready to make a change.
I went veg after taking a class through something called the Cancer Project they are supported by the Physicans for Responsible Medicine's Class. In the classes they gave several medically supported facts about how being a vegan reduces ones risk for cancer and other diseases.
Also, I'm a vegan and my husband isn't. This is a choice I made for me-- that he respects. I would encourage you to do this for yourself, it's well worth it.
Ack....I waited a day too long!
Let us know if/when you get more supplies...
A long time fan of Vegan Lunch Box.
Lola coca cola,
I bought some of the metal ramekins from Target and had the same problem you mentioned with the lids. I found some other metal ramekins with more substantial lids at Cost Plus (or it may have been Linens and Things). You might check at either of those places.
I found your blog today and I totally love it. I myself am a vegetarian, and totally fell in love with the lunch box thing, because I have to take my own lunch when I go to work. You got me inspired to try new things. Thanks :)
love your site! i only wish i would have discovered it earlier, (i am almost finished with dei vouring the archives)i found this blog from veganfreaks. it is so inspirational, especially because my 3yr is too picky.
i am have been a vegan for 15+years found myself in a recipe rut, with occassional experiments. my husband, too, is an omnivore. we agreed to raise our son a vegetarian, but now he has been offering dead animals to him. thankfully, my little cub does not eat the stuff, (except fishsticks that were introduce 2 weeks ago when i napping) and thankfully i am the sole chef in the house; nothing unvegetarian is prepared in my kitchen. your lunch ideas revved up the drive in me to introduce new meals at the table...and in the lunchbox, (that will soon be replaced by laptop lunches(thank you for that link too!))
:( i should have acted sooner on the accessories kit before they sold out.
Sold out? ::weep::
well that didn't take long... I just read this and already sold out! I hope you have more soon!
That's a creative idea. :) I have been looking for the stainless steel ramekins at Target and I can't find them.
Long time lurker, been reading your blog for what seems like forever!! Just one question though... is there anything you CAN'T do? You are one creative lady! :)
Oh darn it! I am to late! I would love if you were able to offer this again, my husband and I both use a three tiered lunch container just like the one you are showing. Please keep us posted if you are able to offer it again!
Where did you get those stainless steel ramekins? I totally need some! I just ordered a few lunch containers to have fun using while we're biking all around town this summer, and those are all I'm missing. :)
>>Where did you get those stainless steel ramekins?
I picked them up at Target, but I didn't see any last time I was there. Someone else mentioned that Cost Plus sells nice ones, too.
>>But I had a question...how do you make your napkins? I have tons of fabric scraps at home and they could definitely be used for this!
I use the pattern in "Vegan Lunch Box". A lovely blog reader named Dee kindly donated shmoo's first set of napkins along with a simple pattern that I've been using ever since.
I'm guessing I'm too late to buy TCNITW (the coolest napkins in the world) so I'll just say (and repeat myself) that they look perty and cool and great job!
I can't believe they're sold out! Please consider offering something like this in the future- it is too cute to resist. =)
>> I picked them up at Target, but I didn't see any last time I was there. Someone else mentioned that Cost Plus sells nice ones, too.
Darn. I don't even know if there's a Cost Plus in Seattle (let alone Spokane/CdA where I am). Argh. Well, at least I know they're out there so I can keep an eye out...
there isnt a costplus in seattle, I didn't know they exsisted until yesterday! Maybe Costko, or a Walgreens/Walmart type store?
And how much food is stored in those containers? I'm hopeless at math and wouldn't be able to figure it out...
I definitely missed out as well. thanks to your blog and a few others, I've started living the veg life and taking more lunches to work rather than eat cheap fast food or whatever else is close by.
hopefully you'll have another fun lunch box goodies kit soon.
Those who are looking for a CostPlus -- it's also sometimes called World Market.
The one here is called CostPlus World Market.
OH MAN. Sold out? what a tease; that is such a great deal
I just wanted to say that I've been reading your blog for a while (LOVE it) and just purchased your book! I go home every day for lunch, so I don't need to worry about the lunch packing as much, but my secret goal is to get my husband to start eating food from home at lunch instead of going out to eat!
Thanks, Jennifer! My package arrived yesterday and my daughter is very excited about the pretty napkins. She also wanted me to give her something that needed the little squirt bottle! I am looking forward to trying out the fun little things- thanks again!
Hooray, mine came today! Polka dots, polka dots, and more polka dots. I haven't been this happy about polka dots since many years ago when my favorite book was that silly kids book, "Put Me in the Zoo." You know the one I mean. :)
Jordan --
You could also try reading The Omnivore's Dilemma, by Michael Pollan (and then passing it on to your husband). The author doesn't advocate vegetarianism -- in one chapter, he wrestles with it and decides it's not for him -- but he does make a lot of good arguments for eating less meat, and for generally thinking about where your food comes from. It's an eye-opening book.
Oh man - for some reason Bloglines stopped giving me your updates - I would have loved a set for my Laptop Lunchbox. I'm glad to hear the containers might be found at Costplus, because the little sauce containers from the Lunchbox just crack after a few uses.
Where did you get the stainless steel ramekins?
could you point me in the direction of the lids for the ramekins? I've got several of the ramekins but they did not come with lids. thanks!
I don't know of a source for just the lids. I bought these ramekins at Target and they came with lids, but most of the little ramekins I see don't come with lids. I guess you could try covering them with plastic wrap held on with a rubber band?
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