Were you fooled? Did I getcha? Oh my gosh, I'm so bad at pranks it was hard to even write that paragraph!
No, it's not an egg, I promise!
What is really in this VEGAN breakfast? You're looking at a Vans Organic Blueberry Toaster Waffle topped with vanilla soy yogurt and...a canned apricot half.
I found this idea for "Sunny-Side Up Waffles" in the Pillsbury Kids Cookbookand couldn't resist saving it for good ol' April Fools Day. The recipe notes that you could also use a canned peach half if you prefer.
Unfortunately, I didn't have any veggie bacon on hand to complete the illusion, but ripe kiwi fruit made a pretty side dish.
Verdict: Both shmoo and his dad had to stare at this little breakfast trick for quite a while before finally giving up and asking me what they were looking at. Best of all, the yogurt and fruit really did make a tasty waffle topping. Happy April Fools' Day!
this is BRILLIANT.
I just got so excited; "Oh! They make vegan eggs now!"
You got me....
My mouth was hanging open, haha! That was a good one.
how cute! i can't wait to try this on my littlefoodie.
I get a newsletter from recipezaar and they had this one in there. Very cute! It does look real (although it looks like an ostrich egg-it's so huge!) though. I'm glad it was tasty. :)
I knew you were up to something! lol
That looks great! I'm going to have to try it. :)
That looks so good! Mary, what is the newsletetr you get? I would love to try it.
That was a good one, you had me fooled, but then my son fooled me this morning by telling me he didn't make the soccer team. I beleived him even tho I know full well the tryouts aren't even over till April 21! I always think he is a bad actor but he can do "terribly stricken with disappointment" quite well! This day is good for a bit of turning life upside down.
wow! I really thought this was an egg - well done!
I thought it was a vegan egg too.
Then I thought "Shmoo eats eggs?"
Then I realized that you're just brilliant.
You got me!
Crikey I was just about to comment on how I love fried eggs :D
visit jeena's kitchen healthy recipe blog
Too Funny! I did the SAME thing to my kids on Sunday morning, without the waffle and using home made cool whip for the white though. The older child just kept looking at it and saying, I "hate" eggs....
On another note, I received your book in the mail this weekend and my DH and I have made a decision to go back to being vegan again now that we've adopted the kids! Your book is sooo inspiring!
That is too funny! You got me too!
you are good! totally tricked us!
that's a good idea. yogurt on a waffle w/fruit. my son would dig that!
I was just staring at the picture, mouth open and mind in complete disbelief. I thought oh my has Jen let lil shmoo go lacto ovo? You got me good. That is a cool picture and a great idea. hahahahaha
Hee hee. :-)
I got my order from you today!! *hugs you tight* OMG...I am so impressed and I LOVE. IT. ALL!!
Thank you so much for catering to my love of pink and of frogs!
Yours is one of very few blog....that i visit often.
I was really fooled too!
I always admire your collection, presentation....the colorful treat! You are great!
You are too funny!
I had faith that it wasn't a real egg- so I blew up the picture and tried to figure it out. I guessed it was a slice of mango - so I was close!
Thank you for sharing all of your creative food journeys with us all!
This is the most amazing blog ever.
I really love the stuff you do.
Going to an Easter potluck and am doing it up vegan. So people have some options, I am bringing my righteous garlicky hippie hummus and pita "chips," my super-colorful pasta salad, and tabbouleh (sp?).
You really had me going there for a minute, Jen! I love Vans waffles. I like topping them with scrambled tofu and maple syrup--the sweet and savory is great together.
I couldn't believe my eyes!! I knew you wouldn't dare....but it sure looked like you did. You tricky vegan. :o)
I was fooled. I thought, wow, I've never seen vegan version of a fried egg; that really beats tofu scramble. The waffle reminds me that I should make chicken and waffles sometime soon.
I feel left out...I wasn't fooled at all. :(
I used to do that all the time. :)
can you do a kosher for passover vegan lunch?
I saw something similar in one of the Surreal Gourmet's cookbooks, only he used slices of honeydew cut into egg white shapes & halves of canteloupe melon balls for the egg yolks. Yours makes a more complete breakfast!
BTW, thank you so much for the surprises that you tucked in with our package of napkins!
You got me, you totally got me. And I thought I made it without getting April fool-ed this year!!
Huh! I remember sending that recipe into Eggo when I was 10! (And I was one of the first place winners too)
You had me! Good one.. :)
Ahhh you tricked me! I was like what??? hahaha
I would love it if you stoped by my new vegan cooking blog!
I just bought some canned peach halves so I could try this. Yogurt and peaches on warmed matzo bagel...yum! Oh, and my goodie bag with the ramekin came. Thanks! I would love to order some more of thise little napkins. Do you take orders for those?
I must admit I was tricked as well...I rubbed my eyes and double checked that it was in fact the "Vegan Lunch Box" and not "Vegetarian Lunch Box", so I was starting to wonder!
Cool idea for topping a waffle!
I'm so gullible! haha
very clever ;)
Just this week I ran across something similar that I was going to tweak. The picture was English muffin, Canadian bacon, cream cheese & apricot half. "Eggs Benedict for a small child to make for Father's day"
I could easily veganize that. But the yogurt & waffle looks pretty good too.
Awesome - as always. Thanks
I know this seems like a random question, but what was the first recipe you posted Jennifer?
P.S. I think I've already commented on how cute and realistic that "egg" is, but in case I haven't, it is so cute! And realistic!
Would have asked you where you get those eggs with so much egg yolk, and that on a vegan site?
Ok, I need to do both an eye and a brain check :-)
Happy Cooking!
The Skinny Cook
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