FYI for those of you who are interested in learning more about Eat To Live, I am selling an Eat To Live Bundle on ebay.
The set includes both of Dr. Fuhrman's DVDs, the 5 CD audio book "Disease-Proof Your Child", and an unused container of Dr. Fuhrman's Cocoa Powder (I bought it, then thought better of adding cocoa powder back to my diet -- too tempting!).
Even after you've sat down and watched them once, these DVDs are great for putting on in the background for snippets of encouragement and inspiration as you putter around during the day. The CDs are especially great for listening to in the car with the kids. After they hear these lessons on the fabulous disease-fighting properties of a healthy, plant-based diet, you might find your kids becoming more enthusiastic about eating their vegetables!
I'm the first to post a comment today! Yay!
Did you quit Eat to Live?
Oh, no, not at all! I just felt that I had watched the DVDs and listened to the book enough. Although I got a lot out of them, I was ready to pass them on in hopes that they would be useful to someone else.
Now for my continuing inspiration I download Dr. F's radio show each week and listen to that on my iPod and in my car:
Hi! came across a large friendship community and thought to pass it on. You want to join the community you should pass the E-qool test. Follow the link below and join. http://www.bigadda.com/Boss/quiz.php?type=web&uid=1796
Hi! I am so happy to have stumbled upon your blog. I am a big fan of Eat to Live. I am a vegetarian (close to vegan, but not quite). I do family personal training and nutritional counseling. Since I read his book, I have quoted him to every client and in every seminar I give. His way of looking at eating healthy and living well is just about right on.
Anyway, I just thought I would let you know that I enjoyed your blog and will visit frequently. If you don't mind, I'll add your link to mine.
hi jennifer!
i wanted to tell you that i've been reading all the archives for the past 3 days while i've been stuck home sick.
i've never enjoyed eating meat and when i was about 13 (old enough to make my own food when mom and dad had steak) i cut out all nonpoultry based products, when i hit 18 and moved out of the house i cut out all meat products except for seafood. and i've gradually become more and more fully vegetarian since then. (i'm now turning 22)
your blog has been such an exciting inspiration for me. its not only given me alot of great reading and ideas while i've been sick, but really opened my eyes to the wealth and breadth of options available to vegans!
i've been researching meat alternatives for foods that i previously thought i'd never have again (ie seafood) and kind of missed and delving more into the vegan lifestyle.
i wanted to thank you for being such a great motivator and eye opener. i hope that some day some omni's find this blog and feel inspired to drop more and more meat products out of their diet.
why do you not use cocoa powder? I'm new to a vegetarian lifestyle (also dairy free) and trying to learn everything I can. I am raising 2 little girls, and sometimes it can get a bit overwhelming--we like chocolate, and I have just found some Ghirardelli dark chocolate squares that are individually wrapped that I throw in lunch boxes. thanks-j
Cocoa powder is perfectly vegan -- no worries! I cut all sugar, chocolate, and caffeine out of my diet quite a while back, for health reasons.
At first I was attracted to the idea of adding cocoa powder back to my diet because of its health benefits. But after it arrived I decided that even though the antioxidant level in this cocoa is quite high, I was worried about getting "hooked" again, if you know what I mean. And then someone else mentioned that this particular cocoa is so strong that it gave her a tummy ache.
I'm glad to see you are still following Eat to Live. I have been trying to follow it too, on and off for a while. I struggle with how to adapt my kids to this way of eating.
I really enjoyed your old blog where you wrote about your transition to ETL. I was sad that you removed it and didn't continue with it. I wonder if you would consider a family ETL blog where you could talk about living the ETL way and what to feed kids etc. I would be an avid reader. Thanks so much for Vegan lunchbox. I've made several recipes from your book. They are great.
Very intereting and nice blog ^_^
I miss your updates! can we expect a new post soon?
Yes I was wondering the same thing. You're blog has stopped. :(
I am reading ETL right now. Are there any other ETL resources out there besides Dr Fuheman's website?
I love this website. I have a little button on my links bar to get me here quickly and easily and I check often to see of there have been any updates. Waiting for some downtime though to check all of the archives though.
Are you and your family ok? I am becoming concerned. Good vibes your way.
I'm sure everything is fine. Remember that she posts school lunches for her son, and it is the summertime. School's probably out.
Zachary is right, it's summer and shmoo is out of school. We've been enjoying some time off, hosting some guests from out of town and taking a little vacation ourselves. :-)
You are more than entitled to time off. I am happy to hear you are well and enjoying family time. You inspire me to be a better wife and mother and your work is appreciated more than you know. Thank you for everything you give us.
I hope you enjoy your summer! I'm in school through the summer, but I might be able to pop up there sometime in August if I'm lucky.
:( I miss your posts , but happy to hear you are having a good time...
Looking forward to seeing your next post but I realize the time off is needed. I'm curious to see some of your hiking/picnic treats for schmoo as we've got a couple of schmoo's that are now out of school and eager for hikes in the mountains but the challenge often becomes how to make trail snacks good for them but "good" to them.
Sorry this is unrelated to the topic but wanted to share a delicious recipe with you (though 99% chance you have it or something similar!). Made carrot & parsnip puree over the weekend and it was delicious. It's like a vegetable dessert, it's so naturally sweet. The recipe calls for milk and butter (which I used but I'm sure could be omitted/substituted) and sugar (which I omitted) and nutmeg (which I used). [I found it in a cookbook called "Dishing Up Maine" but the cookbook is neither Vegan nor Vegetarian.] Happy Summer!
Did you just say... did you just submit a post advising readers to leave a DVD playing whilst puttering around throughout the day? Otherwise known as wasting energy?
Just flirting.
The nitpicking nature of the cyberherbivore in the habitat we are most comfortable to express it - blog comments.
Flirting again!
Love your blog Jen, just getting into bento myself. I've been a reader for a few months and am finding it a great inspiration. I'll research this Eat To Live jazz, I'm not familiar. Thanks!
~Vegan in Victoria... ;)
Do you recommend the Eat to Live program for weight management? Do you continue to follow the program? What do you typically eat or find yourself eating repeatedly for meals?
I am new to Eat to Live...I'm on day 3...but I have a question, does it matter whether you puree your lettuce ? I really like it in smoothies but I want to make sure it has the same health benefits. I'm not sure how this all works but if you email me...KelseyEberth@gmail.com that would be great
Thank you vegan friends!!
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