My new cookbook Vegan Lunch Box Around the World is coming out August 11th, just in time for school to start again! If you want your copy the minute it becomes available you can even preorder at Amazon.
When the advance copy arrived I just had to take a pictures of my two books side-by-side; I love the way this cover complements the first one in a "collect-the-whole-series" kind of way. I've been looking through it and I have to say I'm delighted. I love the style, the photographs, and all the work everyone at the publishing company did to make the book pretty and easy to read.
Even though I love love love Vegan Lunch Box, I actually think the new book is -- dare I say it? -- even better. The first book was written during my very first year of making lunches; this one was put together after many more years of experience. I think it reflects a growing aesthetic, a better understanding of menu planning and packing, and a more adventurous palate.
And the recipes! Looking through it I remember testing and eating each recipe, and I want to make and eat them all again! Right now I'm hungry for the Vietnamese Pho, German Cabbage Rolls, and Hot Noodle Soup... (Ooh, the Hot Noodle Soup -- so good I even crave it on a hot summer's day!)
I learned a lot writing this book. Like the title says, the lunch menus are inspired by cultures and cuisines from across the globe. I took the time to research the cuisine and culture of each area I touched on and have interspersed the menus with tidbits of information about the regions and what lunch is like for people in different parts of the world.
So if you're contemplating lunch time or shopping for back-to-school, keep Vegan Lunch Box Around the World in mind! You'll be eatin' pretty and helping the shmoo and I stay off the streets!!
It comes out a day before my birthday! I can't wait :)
Also cool that they have it in a Kindle edition (not that I own one of those contraptions). Amazon's site says it's in stock now and it doesn't look like a preorder...hrm!
I'm glad to hear it's almost out! now... hopefully you're not really at risk of being out in the streets with Shmoo!
I just wanted to leave a comment to let you know that I saw your book on the shelves of a B&N this past weekend. Is your release date a strict street date? If you want to contact me privately, I can give you the information as to which B&N location the book was--if this is a problem.
So, I might have gotten an illegal sneak preview...Still, the book looks fabulous. I know I have a gift card coming to me, and I can't wait to buy your book and start cooking from it! Thank you!
i already pre-ordered from amazon!
I can't wait!
I already received my copy last Friday from Amazon. I preordered a few weeks ago and it was a fun surprise since I wasn't expecting it for a couple more weeks.
>>now... hopefully you're not really at risk of being out in the streets with Shmoo!
No, we won't be on the streets ... but we may out of a home and broke if my soon-to-be-ex has his way. :-( I can always stay at my mom's, though.
I'm doing my best to raise some emergency money while I look for a job. So I'm ebaying, craiglisting, and having a yard sale ... pbbthhp.
Jennifer, I JUST got my copy of VLB from Amazon and I love love love it. We have the Laptop Lunch system so your menus and recipes are perfect. I enjoy the way you write! You and Cynthia Lair are my favorite family cooking mamas! Looking forward to Around the World--thanks for sharing your ideas with us.
Yikes! sorry about the soon-to-be ex..!
Congratulations on the second book! I love the international theme idea, sounds delish.
I will be getting the book when I go to town later this month. You and the shmoo are in my thoughts and prayers.
Exciting! I look forward to nabbing a copy off the shelf soon.
Hi Jennifer I have your first book and plan on buying the new one soon. You may be surprised to hear, I was, that I saw the book on the multistory Barnes and Noble in Union Square in NYC last week!!
( at least a week earlier than the release date).
I did not buy it then as I was only visiting NY and it is a big book to carry :)
Best wishes with the new book.
I just ordered mine from Amazon! Can't wait.
I just ordered my copy & can't wait! I hope to use it at least half as much as the first one!
Hi Jennifer! I wanted to tell you that I am a huge fan of yours! I found your blog last year when I needed some ideas for my son's lunch. You have inspired me tremendously! I think you are very talented and also an amazing cook! I enjoyed your first cookbook and the sneaky black bean soup is my all time favorite soup! I hope you don't mind but I've posted a few of your lunch ideas on my blog and my apologies-I'm not vegan or vegetarian but I love your food and the way you put it together. Thank you for being such an inspiration and I'm looking forward to the next book!
I discovered yesterday (where have I been?!?!) that you had another lunch box book out and I drove right to the bookstore to pick it up! I love it! I can't wait to try the new recipes and revisit some old ones. I am inspired and just a little excited knowing that I will have the best lunch on campus.
I just got my copy of Around the World (along with my Bento 2.0 box from Obentec)! I couldn't be more excited to make more healthy, beautiful lunches. Love the section on garnishes!
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