For those of you who haven't used it yet, the idea is to create your very own recipe for a vegan dinner loaf by choosing from the lists of options. For example, make a yummy loaf of lentils, amaranth, and almonds ... or garbanzo beans, oats, and cashews ... or black beans, rice, and pine nuts ... or kasha, butter beans, and walnuts ... etc. etc.!
So if you're not sure what's for dinner, head on over to the Magical Loaf Studio and let your imagination run wild!
WOw! I just tried your program and its so cool! Thanks for creating that, I am now going to make my very first vegan loaf.
This is awesome! I am going to make my loaf tonight--and if it is tasty I'm going to make it for Thanksgiving dinner to bring to my family (they are all tired of Tofurkey)
I haven't used the Loaf Studio in a while, but a few years ago I used it quite regularly. From my experiences the recipes it generates never fail. Great site. I'm glad it's back up ^_^
thank goodness, because i am loaf impaired without the magic. for true. i post that link all over the daggone place because it is AWESOME.
I've had millet loaf before, but that's about it. I'm very excited to try this out! Makes those traditional beef meatloafs look like amateurs!
So glad this is back!!
I had vegan loaf withdrawral :S
That is so cool! I wish you had an iPhone developer who could write you an iPhone app to link directly here.
I'm now going to discover what's for dinner tonight!
So glad it's back! It is "magic" when I can put in all of the random items I have in my kitchen (but can't think of what to do with them) and ta-da a delicious loaf recipe appears. Thank you so much for creating it.
Oh good. I was about to email you and offer to host it for you. I love that page and use it all the time.
I made this last night with pintos, sunflower seeds, and oatmeal. Seasoned it with sage, basil, nooch, and ketchup. I used less liquid and made it into burgers, it was really good! Thanks for putting this up, since I didn't have any idea what to make for dinner.
I tried the magical loaf, and mine was far from magical. It had good flavors, but it never cooked all the way through. I think I ended up cooking it for over an hour and a half and it was still not cooked all the way through. My mixture (before cooking) was really wet and I ended up adding a lot of oatmeal and cooked rice to get it to dry/loaf up (and skipped the liquid). Anyway, I'm wondering which combination(s) have worked for you and/or other followers.
I have a blog that does reviews www.familyliciousreviews.blogspot.com. I also belong to a large attachment parenting group, and several other mom's groups in Orange County, CA. I would love to do a review on one of your Vegan Lunchbox cookbook. Then I can tell the other mom's in my groups and blog some of the benefits of using your cook book. If you like I can also do a giveaway. I can have the mom's go to your website and ask them to answer a question regarding one of your items. I will then pick a winner using random.org and send you the winners name and address. This will increase traffic flow of your site and also interest in your book.
Let me know if it is a possibility. And if this is something your company would be interested in.
Debra Lowrey
debra92691 (at) yahoo (dot) com
This is awesome news. Thanks for getting that back up!
Cabbage Soup Diet
I tried to find your e-mail but I couldn't. I'm a web developer, is there a way that I can translate the Magical Loaf Studio to Portuguese? All credits will go to you, most vegans here have no idea of how to make a vegan loaf, so it will be great.
If it's possible, can you write me at anderson.santos.br(a)gmail ?
OMG this is the coolest!! My 7 yr old daughter loves coming up with vegan recipes...this will be so much fun! Thanks Jennifer!!
I am trying to feed my family all their veggies and keep them healthy, and have decided that vegetarian is the way to go!! However I was getting discouraged as I began to try and plan meals that have always centered around meat. Then I found your site and I love it already!! I'm feeling much more confident and know that we will be healthier and happier. THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!!
I love this! THANK YOU for this wonderfully useful and fun resource! I also love a previous poster's idea of getting kids involved.. I'm going to do the same :)
Hey! Have you seen these lunchboxes?
I saw them in O magazine, surprisingly.
that was awesome
I love this idea :)
Any chance you could continue your home sick soup entry's??? The two that you did are my go-tos!!! Thanks for a great blog!
I'm working on Maongozi_loaf-0.0.1 at this very moment! I have a scary suggestion for any possible upgrades. A loaf randomizer for the brave or those that need a little more inspiration.
thank you!
Fascinated, how does this work?
I want to be a vegetarian, and with your blog, it helped me. Thanks!
I grew up with potlucks of magic loafs and still enjoy them so much I wrote up an article on How to Make Vegetarian Dinner Loaf http://www.ehow.com/how_5671610_make-vegetarian-dinner-loaf.html
Your blog is one of the best online references I've found so I've linked to your Magic Loaf Studio tool in the article and linked to your book as well. Loaf away!
Yay! I am glad it is fixed.
Jennifer- just got your cookbook. AWESOME CREATIVE use of whole foods. I'm a fan, and a dietitian who has many people needing this type of information- the gluten free also. I only live 75 miles away!! Cool. Anyway, my only suggestion is the Christmas menu - why not the wellington instead of brussel sprouts? Seems more festive andh um, it could even wow over a non-vegetarian. (I am a flexitarian and still love what you are doing!!)
Thank you for reposting this! I'm trying this out for the first time tonight for dinner. Gonna make a mixed bean loaf with walnuts and polenta - YUM!
yay! i guess ill make a vegan dinner loaf for christmas :))
and jennifer, you should make another contest like the one you did last year.
Really it provided me some unknown information and sure I accept that in reading blogs helps us to gather some good information for all the topics which improves our knowledge. Thank you.
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I made a loaf! It was tasty, really good with morrocan hummous in bread rolls for my lunchbox. Thank you so much :)
This is awesome! I am going to make my loaf tonight--and if it is tasty I'm going to make it for Thanksgiving dinner to bring to my family (they are all tired of Tofurkey)
It's hard to find the inspiration to make lunch boxes everyday... but you are so great! I used to check here at least three times a week for about a year ago, but it seems like you don't blog that often any longer, that's too bad but since you have these great recipes in your archive :)
I have trouble finding nice bento boxes in sweden though. Most of the companies don't ship here. I ever tried the classifieds but with no luck. But you keep me inspired and I will keep looking! :)
I congratulate your ideas for recipes and different s types of lunch but, please do not start showing people with tattoos because again you become like the people that like to make suffers animals and those that try to change nature as God has given us. So, don't show the viewers how to destroy and make their bodies ugliest and evil.
This is an awesome tool! I'm gonna try my recipe tonight!
It's necessary to make a plan for children... Thanks for giving us tips...
toddler meals
thanks so much for the magical loaf studio - i made mine with almond meal, polenta and brown rice flakes and it worked a treat.
I love the loaf-maker! I haven't tried to make a vegan loaf before but mine turned out well, if a little crumbly. I used soy crumbles, brown rice, and cashews. Yum!
I'm sorry to see you are not blogging much anymore since I just discovered Vegan Lunch Box, but I have both your books on the way (hurry, hurry!) and a Laptop Lunch 2.0 as well. :)
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