I love my To-Go Ware tiffins and use them almost every day to pack our lunches for work, but lately I've been packing more hot foods like soups and stews. The tiffins are perfect for big salads and cold foods, but now I wanted something with a tight lid that wouldn't leak that would keep my food warm until lunch time -- something like the wide-mouth insulated container I bought a couple years ago, but a bit larger and made from stainless steel.

I found one! And with a cute green apple handle, too! I ordered our two new thermal stainless steel double-walled lunch boxes just a couple weeks ago from Dino Direct, but they aren't on their website at the moment. This one looks similar.

For their inaugural voyage to lunchtime I filled them both with Okra and Lima Bean Masala from FatFree Vegan Kitchen. This is one of my favorites to make at the end of the week when fresh produce is running short but I'm not ready to go to the grocery store; I steam-saute a sliced onion with Indian spices, then add a bag of frozen okra, some frozen lima beans, and two cans of diced tomatoes.
That recipe sounds amazing, I know what I'm making for dinner tomorrow!
Horrible confession time - I am thoroughly intimidated by okra. I think I was 15 before I even saw the stuff, and then it was breaded and deep fried and therefore didn't make a very positive impression. I adore masala though, so maybe this would be a good place to start.
The new lunchboxes look great! I love my thermos, but I wish it held a bit more sometimes.
Looks good.
Was wondering whatever happened to Schmoo? Never hear about him anymore.
He's 12 and in 6th grade -- not the age where a boy wants his mom futzing with his lunch box or talking about it on the internet. Quite frankly. LOL
I've just made okra for the first time today = already addicted. Next time (Saturday I guess) I'll try this one.
Hi Jen! I just hopped over to the Dino Direct site to check out that cool lunchbox, and I think I saw the one you have. But I was taken back a bit by the price! Did you really spend $400 on two lunchboxes?! They are listed as "on sale" now for $124! Sale?! I see the one that your link goes to, and it's on sale for about $12. What's the difference? I really want one, but I can't afford a $100 lunchbox.
I know, it's bizarre! No way would I ever spend that much on a lunch box! They were $34 w/free shipping when I bought them a few weeks ago. I have no idea why they are asking for over a hundred now -- too weird! I don't see much difference between the ones I bought and the $12, they are just a little smaller.
Thank you so much for the new info on okra!, i've been adding them to my green smoothies since reading this post and can't wait to use this recipe.
Your recipe looks sensational! I was also considering getting the tiffins. Are the microwaveable?
No, the tiffins are stainless steel, so they are not microwaveable.
I am a personal trainer and writer and am in the process of completing the editing phase of my first book. A vegan client of mine suggested I contact you to see if I could hear your story and perhaps get some direction for my own efforts. The name of my book is The Zen of Weight Loss and I hope we can talk about it more.
Hi Jennifer,
I write an advice column, "Table Manners," for CHOW, the online food and drink mag, and would love to interview you for this week's column, which is about sending your kids to school with an unusual lunch and how to help them deal with possible teasing by their peers.
It should be a quick interview and I'd be very grateful. I would prefer to speak this week, but Monday March 28 would also work. (I apologize for the short notice.) Please contact me at helena.echlin@gmail.com
Thanks and looking forward to speaking.
Helena Echlin
This is a brand new Vegan book I think you'd really enjoy. Love your blog!
I checked Dino Direct as well and was taken aback by the price they asked for this lunchbox. Then I checked again a few days ago and found that it is currently being sold for USD 32.25, which is much more reasonable!
I had already ordered an alternative but contacted them to cancel that order and substitute it with this item, so I hope to receive mine soon. I have a Mr Zojirushi thermal lunchjar with 4 boxes that I'm very happy with, but this is great when you only want to bring 1 warm dish for lunch.
So thanks for the tip! I hadn't heard of that website before, but so far I'm pleasantly surprised by their range of items, free shipping, and customer service. And apparently you just need a bit of patience to get a reasonable price :)
Insulated tiffins?? YEAH!! Love these for their ease of travel, storage, and super quick to clean.
I just started a very amateur vegan blog if anyone is interested in networking http://veganisreasonable.blogspot.com/ Thanks! -Julia
I web surfed into your blog from a google search of "vegan blogs." This blog looks great. I am already taking your advice and buying the To-Go Ware tiffins!
Blessings, Debra
Raw Vegan Diet
Your lunch box is beautiful. I also found a very amazing, stylish stainless steel container recently. And you might be interested to try it too. The stainless steel container that I found is durable, has 100% BPA free, leak proof, very reusable, doesn't hold stains as well as odors, and it's also eco-friendly. You can choose from five plus designs. Also, the site offers an insulated tiffin bag which is also beautiful that perfectly fits one's personality style. It can also keep the food's temperature up to 4 hours either hot or cold. So we can eat our home cooked meal at its best. =)
Is it because i am using my phone that i dont see the recipe???
I love your website! I was wondering about the insulated tiffins...do you think they hold the heat well? My daughter is going off to kindergarten in the fall and I'm looking at all the options out there. Some of the thermos style containers are just too narrow for some of the foods she likes to eat and think these tiffins mint be just the thing! Tha ks!
I wouldn't recommend this particular model for a kindergartener. I notice that the tops aren't as secure as I would like, and one of them leaks if I don't keep it upright. They're also quite large -- I don't think you need that much volume for a child. I would recommend something more like one of these plastic ones:
I have one and it holds heat well, it's a good size for a kid's lunch, and it would be easier for a young child to carry.
Okra! XD My mum got confused at what okra was when I bought some, and then I made fried okra and stirfried okra and she likes it now. O_O but she still doesn't know what it is.
So glad your blog came up in my search for vegan kids lunches! I just ordered two tiffin type lunch boxes from one of your links! Have been looking for affordable ones for a while!
PS - everything you show looks sooooooo yummy!
Do the tiffins really keep food hot? Such as soup?
It looks like the green-handled bento is back. Was it this set? http://www.dinodirect.com/sets-lunch-box-thermal-stainless-steel-round-portable.html
And it's not $100 but $28 for 3 as someone who commented earlier had found. Maybe there was a glitch on the Dino site?
Recipe sounds great!! I also wanted to lick the screen as I'm on day 22 of my 30-40 juice cleanse. Always looking for inspiration for meals to fix my family. Thank you!!
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