Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Cheezy Breadsticks

Some twisty breadsticks topped with cheesy-tasting nutritional yeast, alongside some tomato sauce for dipping. The veggies are a frozen mix called "Flavor Fiesta" -- broccoli, carrots, and green, black, white, and kidney beans. Also tucked in the box are a fruit cup and one chocolate chip cookie (Little shmoo made these himself, with a little help, from the recipe on the vanilla Silk carton. They're good!).
Verdict: Little shmoo and Papa shmoo both went crazy over these breadsticks. I made 36 last night, and they're all gone! Little shmoo scarfed down the breadsticks, fruit, and cookie. In the veggie department, he ate every single bean and carrot and left all the broccoli. I have to agree with him, frozen broccoli is not as good as fresh. 4 stars.


Anonymous said...

Wow, schmoo's vegan cookies look better than mine! What type of flour do you use for your breadsticks?

Anonymous said...

Do you warm the cooked veggies in the morning? Do they stay warm until Shmoo has lunch?

Anonymous said...

Actually, the organic broccoli (frozen) from Trader Joe's is pretty darn impressive. If you have one out there. Broccoli is the only veggie I buy frozen, aside from peas. But yes, nothing compares to fresh. :)

Those breadsticks look very yummy.

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for this blog! I discovered it last week and have already 'devoured' all the archived lunches. I’m traveling on business this week and checking in to see shmoo’s lunch has been strangely comforting. I’m missing my own little vegan! He’s just 16 months and already getting picky so I love all the suggestions. Can’t wait for the cookbook!

Jennifershmoo said...

Hi, sonya! I used a mixture of white bread flour and semolina flour (the kind they use to make pasta, it's high in protein). Yes, his cookies turned out grand! And one of the perks of veganism is you can eat raw cookie dough with no salmonella worries. :-)

Hi, dee! Yes, I prepare all his cooked veggies in the morning, then seal them in his lunch box inside the insulated carrier. They are not hot at lunch time, more like tepid.

Hi, miriam! Oh, how I wish we did have a Trader Joe's here. I'll remember to check out their frozen broccoli if we ever get one.

coolbeans said...

What brand are the Flavor Fiesta veggies? I think my kidlets would eat that in their lunchbox (we have laptops, too!) but my husband would need a brandname.

He does all the grocery shopping. I give you all permission to hate me for five minutes.

Anonymous said...

Do you remember in high school eating those Pizza H*t breadsticks for lunch. I loved those! I bet these are even better.

Jennifershmoo said...

Hi, coolbeans! The package says they are "Flav R Pac Quick-n-Easy Combos Flavor Fiesta". Hope that helps. Lucky you, what a great husband!

Wow, thank you, barbara! I think it's his personality combined with the wide variety of foods we expose him to all the time, esp. fruits and veggies every day. And yes, starting young really helps.

Still, he can be frustratingly picky. Right now he's feeling very anti-oatmeal, but he'll still eat it. And he absolutely hates, *hates*, HATES onions. Even the idea that he might have an onion in his mouth can make him puke. He also hates a whole raft of other foods I won't take the time to list here.

Anonymous said...

Maybe he would like sweet onions? I always buffer the taste of onions, which I love, with something like ketchup or mayonnaise (not vegan, I know.) Or I saute them.

Sorry if I don't show up as Karen Anne, I am having some trouble grokking the post message procedure, and the software wipes out my name. I think I have it now...

Anonymous said...

Hi Jennifer (hope you don't mind my using your given name). I've been quietly Schmoo-yeuring for a couple of months. I'm really struck by the variety of lunches you come up with!! That there are that many different types of food to make or think up isn't as amazing as your ability to keep all your ideas rolling, and the stuff in the pantry to get them from pot to box.

Thanks for all your wonderful ideas!!

P.S. Onions.... I think that's just a developing taste-bud thing. My daughter hates them, I hated them (love them now), my friend's son hates them.... The list goes on and on.

P.P.S. Man Alive I miss the recipe archive!!!

Anonymous said...

i hated onions as kid and i'm still tepid about 'em as an adult. but what i can't stand is a raw onion, which did make me puke as a kid, and ever crunching into an onion. so my advise is to keep them few and wormy. it also helps to make them big, so he can pick around them and not limit what you cook so much.

Harmonia said...

I recently discovered Nutritional Yeast thanks to wonderful people like you, Vegan Momma, Patty, and Running2k's. I love it!

Elizabeth said...

Hibi makes her own cookies from the Silk container, too! She can do it all by herself now, which is pretty good for a kid who is not very interested in cooking (and one whose mom *tries* not to discourage her from it, but cringes at the mess she leaves and her "experimentation"....) And even us non-vegans like the cookies a lot!

regina said...

those bread sticks look AWESOME. I've looked everywhere and I can't find a vegan breadsticks recipe. care to share?

red said...

thank you

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Hi, dee! Yes, I prepare all his cooked veggies in the morning, then seal them in his lunch box inside the insulated carrier. They are not hot at lunch time, more like tepid.

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