Thursday, November 03, 2005


A thermos filled with piping hot vegan fondue today, with several veggies for dipping: boiled new potatoes, raw zucchini slices, lightly steamed purple cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, and baby carrots. Organic apple chunks are in the lidded container. Off to the side is one Endangered Species dark chocolate (half off after Halloween, yeah!).
Verdict: Okay, so I didn't really send him to school with the mini-fondue fork (from our chocolate fondue set). But it looked sooo cute and fit so perfectly in the lunch box, I just had to take its picture. The points are sharp, though, and I didn't want anyone's eye out. He used his regular fork instead.
I can tell lunch is going to be a big success when he wants to eat it right away for breakfast. He ran excitedly to his dad to exclaim, "I'm having FONDUE in my lunch today!" He ate all the apple, carrots, and Brussels sprouts, and most of the zucchini, potatoes and purple cauliflower. 5 stars.


Anonymous said...

Little shmoo is my daughter's new hero, and mine too. You have to share your mojo on how to get kids to eat veggies. Although my kids are better than average, Little Shmoo has them beat by a long shot!

Anonymous said...

That fondue looks yummy! Is it a creamy cheese fondue?

Anonymous said...

Please, please, please be my mother! School work, clubs, sports, baby-sitting... it's so much for me in addition to having to cook and pack all of my own meals (I often have to buy the ingredients, too). Little Shmoo is one lucky duck.

Anonymous said...

I've never seen purple califlour! What a FUN LUNCH! Thanks for the great idea!

lonna said...

I can't even get good quality normal produce here, much less something as funky as purple cauliflower. I have never even heard of that.

Anonymous said...

If you dont publish this book with vegan fondue and wellingtons in it soon I might go crazy!!


Anonymous said...

Where'd you get the thermos?
What brand? What size?
Another outstanding lunch of course.

Anonymous said...

OMG purple cauliflower!!

Shelly said...

I had purple beans once and when I cooked them they lost all color. How did you get the cauliflower to retain its lovely hue?

Anonymous said...

I have never heard of purple cauliflour..did you find it at a health food store? Where is it grown?

Jennifershmoo said...

Isn't that purple cauliflower funky? We found it at our local farmer's market. Little shmoo tried it and gave it a thumb's up. "Tastes like cauliflower," he reports.

Jennifershmoo said...

I found the thermos at our local Fred Meyers grocery store. It's the perfect size for a serving of soup (or fondue!). Here it is on the web:

Jennifershmoo said...

Hi, lychee! It's a silken tofu-based fondue. The sneaky part is, there are cooked carrots *in* the fondue, too, so it's a double-dose of veggies.

Jennifershmoo said...

Gosh, thanks, erin! I have no idea what my mojo is. I should ask Little shmoo for his advice on eating vegetables.

Anonymous said...

Wow, what a great idea. One of my favourite lunches (which I had yesterday) is various leftovers (boiled potatoes, sauteed mushrooms, steamed broccoli, and sliced tofu) topped with satay sauce. Bringing the satay sauce in a thermos and dipping it might be even more fun.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the thermos info!
Any idea when the cookbook
will come out? I'm dying for
some recent recipes. The fondue
looks great! I'm sure I speak
for everyone when I say we can't
wait much longer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Harmonia said...

Awesome as always! Two thumbs up for the great pic! I would love to try the purple broccoli but I have never seen it around me. Endangered Species Dark Chocolate is vegan? I guess I didn't know that. Nifty!

Anonymous said...

Wow... I am officially casting my vote for the fondue to be the next recipe that you post, Jennifer!

You never cease to amaze me. :)

Michelle said...

I looooove fondue, though I never even thought of bringing it for lunch! You already know how much I wish I was your shmoo, how much everyone wishes they were your shmoo, and how great a blog you have. I'm dying to see your cookbook, though I wish you'd just be there, in my kitchen, encouraging me to eat all those good foods! All this cooking cuts away from your knitting time, no? How do you do it all?

amy o said...

yes, I am aching for that fondue recipie! I want to try it this weekend!

natasha out of focus said...

how did you make it?!?!

new laptop battery said...

it's so much for me in addition to having to cook and pack all of my own meals (I often have to buy the ingredients, too). Little batteries Shmoo is one lucky duck.