Little shmoo's favorite black bean soup today, with some smokehouse almond rice crackers and an organic orange. For dessert, a shipment of goodies from
Vegan Essentials arrived just in time to send shmoo with a
vegan blueberry donut!
Verdict: This worked out even better than I had planned. It turns out that a group at school was selling donuts today as a fundraiser, and there I was with a vegan donut to put in his lunch box!
5 lucky stars.
mmm almond rice crackers. are those the lundberg brown? i've seen their brown rice ones by that company; they look about the same. and how funny about the donut- just good vegan mom instincts, i guess ;-)
Can you please post a recipe for the bean soup?
Also, have you considered issuing your cookbook yourself, as a cd or downloadable file? You could sell it right here on your blog. You could have it published much more quickly that way (and keep all the profits). Just a suggestion. I noticed that a lot of people are doing that on ebay, and your website is hot now, so it's a good time for you.
To the person requesting the soup recipe, there are so many great vegan recipes all over the internet; all you have to do is search. I'd try vegweb.com and fatfreevegan.com just for starters.
Nutrilicious donuts are AMAZING. I like their... hm, is it pumpkin? (it's been a while since my local health food store carried them) ones, & the chocolatey one w/the white icing. Good timing!
Just browsing the food on Vegan Essentials. The choices are a bit overwhelming. Any of their products you (or anyone else on this thread) would personally recommend?
Hi Jennifer,
Just wanted to say congratulations on the well-deserved kudos from Erik's Diner podcast. I wholeheartedly agree with him!
Mmm, donuts. Here in Seattle there's a place called Mighty O Donuts that sells vegan donuts. They are yummy and they don't make me as sick as regular donuts.
what an amazind site-and i am so impressed to see a parent putting in so much effort into a healthy, and delicious meal for her child.
my vegetarian daughter eats so many healthy foods & people are always so surprised when i tell them how many veggies/fruits she adores. maybe if they'd lose the lunchables and focus on the quality of the childrens meals they'd have the same result..
do you have a estimated completion date for the cookbook?? i will be one of your first buyers!
Those donuts are what cemented my vegan lifestyle! I had one on a plane, funny enough, when I was 14 years old going to San Francisco. I had ordered the vegan meal because I was a strict vegetarian and quite picky, and I got a tofu quiche and a vegan donut. Not too shabby for airplane food, right? Anyway, I decided right there that I could eat like that all the time. Veganism is eeeeasy when you have food as nice as what schmoo eats for lunch!
I just wanted to tell you how much I enjoyed your site. I don't know if your cookbook is going to be a "Vegan Lunchbox" cookbook, but I hope it will be. It would be such a fun and unique book to add to my collection.
I stumbled across your site the other day and thought I'd post a comment. It's so awesome to see a mum who puts so much effort into her child's lunches and cares so much about his nutritional needs. Keep up the FABULOUS work =). I've picked up so many fantastic ideas as well!
I would suggest lulu.com for the book. Easy to use I've heard and easy for people to buy your book.
I really need to start ordering from V.E. I've been on their sight hundreds of times!
Hi, molly -- the rice crackers are "Blue Diamond Natural". They carry a whole line of rice crackers with nutmeal -- almond, pecan, and hazelnut. But these smokehouse almond ones are the best.
Re. what to get at VE, well, the donuts are good! I get my all-natural sprinkles and food coloring through their website. I guess I have to get my nutritional yeast there, too, now that my local health food store has stopped carrying it and REFUSES to special order it for me. They say their brewer's yeast is the same thing. So I bought some, and noooo, it's not.
Thanks, crystal! I'm still in shock after listening to it. :-)
Hi, michelle! I'm so glad you feel inspired! Don't wait for my cookbook to come out, there are so many great cookbooks and websites out there.
I'm not sure how long it will take, esp. considering I've never done this before. But I'm working on it every day!
Even though I have noted some of
your recipes, I would love to
buy your cookbook just in case
you were wondering if posting recipes every once and awhile would affect the sale of it.
You must be like one of the best mom ever!! I LOVE all your healthy lunches that you pack for him. I'm sure little Schmoo will appreciate it not only now, but years to come. :)
I come across a lot of people who say it's too hard to go vegetarian/vegan. Lightbulb idea!! I'll direct them to this blog (and future book) full of simple alternative ideas for the average meat eater.
Vegan food rocks!
I come across a lot of people who say it's too hard to go vegetarian/vegan. Lightbulb idea!! I'll direct them to this blog (and future book) full of simple alternative ideas for the average meat eater.
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