Monday, January 16, 2006

A Proggy!

I am humbled and honored to report that PeTA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) has presented me with their annual Proggy Award for "Blog of the Year".

I was so shocked I started to cry like some kind of online Ms. America.

Thank you, PeTA! And thank you to everyone who visits the Vegan Lunch Box to see what's for lunch!


Anonymous said...

Ah. Congrats!
I recently just started reading this blog and it's brilliant!
<3 sokhun.

Anonymous said...

Fantastic! Congratulations to you!

Anonymous said...

Dear Online Vegan Ms. America,
That is fantastic! Congratulations Jennifer (and Shmoo).

Anonymous said...

awesome congrats! your creativity deserves and award
-AP environmental girl

Anonymous said...

Way to Go!

Harmonia said...

Congrats on the award!

Megan said...

A well-deserved honor! I feel like my day is not complete without seeing what's for lunch. You are an inspiration to us all!

Anonymous said...

congrats! very well deserved.

- lauren

Debbie said...

Congratulations! And look at the company you're in, Honda, Whole Foods Market, Puma, Clif Bars, and, uh, Pat Buchanan? Well, you certainly deserve it!

Siel said...

Congrats :) And I nominated you for a bloggie too!

ArlineA said...

Wonderful, Jennifer! I do sincerely believe that great things are in store for you and that your life has started on a special path! And we can say we knew you when!

Your blog is inspirational and everyone I've sent here has taken away something. I'll be you got a record number of hits on Twinkie day!!!

Amazing what one little ripple can do.

Arline in L.A.

Canadian Saver said...


I love your site, even if I don't have any kids! (except for a doggie) :-)

Anonymous said...

It's so great that you got recognized for your site. It has been really helpful. Congrats! I think you really deserve an award.

Anonymous said...

ms. vegan america. :) congrats~

Anna said...

Yeah Ms. Shmoo.
I find this blog so inspiring.
I only wish I had more time to cook!

tofu said...

rock on!

Anonymous said...

Way to go Jennifer and Little Schmoo !!!

Anonymous said...

Awesome! And richly deserved. Congratulations and many, many thanks. I love visiting to see what's for lunch.

Anonymous said...

congratulations, mama shmoo!

Anonymous said...

Yeah! That's sooo deserve it! btw, when is your cook book coming out? I know it will be a hit as well!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! You certainly deserve it!

Anonymous said... SO deserve this honor from PETA! Way to GO!!!

Anonymous said...

Jennifer, I am so happy for you. You deserve this recognition and MORE! As someone above said, I believe great things are in store for you. You are such an inspiration; not only as a champion of vegan cooking, but you have shown us what one creative person can do when they are dedicated and passionate. You ROCK!!!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! I check in every day and definitely think you're an inspiration. You deserve it!

MandC said...

Congrats! My personal hope is that it directs more people to your blog - the world needs to see that we don't deny ourselves good food!

Anonymous said...

Well deserved! I enjoy your blog very much!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Congrats on your award! This is a wonderful page, I'll have to try some of your lunch combos one of these days...

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! You definately deserve this award, and it is likely the first of many to come. Thank you for sharing your creativity with us! My day is not complete until I've checked in here to see what you've conjoured up.

Robert van de Walle said...

I am so thrilled for you! That's wonderful that your effort got recognized.

Anonymous said...

Congrats! You deserve it and I love your lunches more and more. Im seriously going to explode if you dont publish a book and SOON.

Anonymous said...

go you! that's so awesome.

although, they did spell "shmoo" wrong. but YAY proggy! you deserve it; you're the best and i never stop checking your updates.

Anonymous said...

So get that cookbook out already!!! You have fantastic ideas and a loyal group of fans to boot.

Dreena said...

Congrats, Jennifer... well done! (and you earned a good cry too!) :)

regina said...

you def. deserve it :) congratulations.

Anonymous said...

well deserved!

Anonymous said...

Awesome! Just discovered your web and now my granddaughter will be as healthy as her daddy was. You make it feel fun again to make lunches. Thanks so much. You really do deserve it.
Grammy Nancy

Anonymous said...

And well deserved it is! I love your blog and I'm not even a veggie. But I'm eating more meatless meals b/c of people like you and what's more, I've bought my own Laptop Lunch Box. I've packed it for its very first trip out to work tomorrow!


Anonymous said...

Yay Jennifer! That is so awesome, I even teared up a little for you.

Anonymous said...

I got goosebumps for you!! Like Arline said...It totally is amazing what one little ripple can do...I am amazed and excited by the number of people who comment (and I'm sure the hundreds more who visit) daily...And now that number is only going to multiply! Congratulations on your wonderful recognition, and may this path you have set yourself on bring you many more rewards in life...The best of course you are already experiencing through the caring and compassionate son you are raising, who from the sounds of it will follow in your trail-blazing path.

lonna said...

Congratulations. This is an award that is very much deserved.

Shannon. said...

A beautiful and well deserved recognition, Jennifer Schmoo. An inspirational blog, great fun, and the best homey food ever.

La Tea Dah said...

I am so excited for you, Jennifer! It's wonderful to have a 'ome town woman' winning this award! Congratulations on winning the PeTA Proggy Award! Has the Tri-City Herald picked up the story yet? They really NEED TO!

La Tea Dah said...

I meant to say 'home town woman' --- very exciting that you won the PeTA award!

SuntoryTime said...

Congratulations! You definitly deserve it (:

Anonymous said...

how cool are you??

kelly (vegan kid's mom!) said...

Congrats! You really deserve it! :) My son asks to see "what shmoo ate" every single day. You've really got all of our attention!

Anonymous said...

Well deserved. I know you must put in a tremendous amount of work on this. Think how great that award will look on your cookbook :-)

la tea dah, someone (hint) shoud call the Tri-City Herald.

jen said...

congratulations! it's well-deserved.

Melissa said...

Awesome! PETA made a good decision! :D

Anonymous said...

Congratulations. I can't thing of anyone who deserves it more.

Anonymous said...

yay! You really deserve it!

Anonymous said...

You total rock! I'm soo not surprised that you won the Proggy! Congradulation!

Anonymous said...

A little ripple here--I'm not even vegetarian yet, much less vegan, but my husband and I are making baby steps and I visit your blog regularly for ideas. I'd say we are 80% vegetarian now. This blog was part of my motivational speech for us making positive changes in our diet (i.e. "See, honey, it doesn't have to be weird--I can even make cool lunches for the kids). Thanks for the ideas and hopefully we will be joining you one day soon in the world of the fully converted!

Susan Voisin said...

That's terrific! You really earned it!

La Tea Dah said...

>>>la tea dah, someone (hint) shoud call the Tri-City Herald.

Done! I just called the Food Editor and I'll be watching the newspaper to make sure they follow through! :)

Anonymous said...

That's so awesome. You deserve it!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations, Jennifer! A VERY well-deserved award!

VeganHeartDoc said...

Congratulations!!!!!!!!! You definitely deserve it!

Anonymous said...

Yea!! We all know how awesome you are, great recognition for you and Shmoo!!

Anonymous said...

That's awesome!! Congratulations!

Anonymous said...

Awesome! Your blog is great because you lead by example, not so much to ask of anyone who wants to make a point to the world.

MommaSchell said...

You rock! A well deserved award to you, at-home mother who leads by example! We need a million of you (or more!) in the veg movement! You are doing something right...

Anonymous said...

Your blog has inspired me so much! DH's co-workers are always asking about the "fancy lunches" his wife packs for him... and I get all my ideas from you!

Anonymous said...

Fantastic news!! You truely do deserve it. You are an inspiration and so dang funny!! A daily routine I have started with my five year old is to show him your sons lunches, slowly he is starting to lean more towards veggies. he even said he was a "schmoo" the other night while eating some carrots and Hummus, YEAH!!! I am so happy for you!!


Diz Rivera said...

Great for you!

Anonymous said...

Oh my god, are you kidding me? You completely deserve this. I always make the omnis at work jealous by making them look at your blog and then unpacking my own perfectly packed lunch.

Good on you.

Danielle D. said...

Congrats. I love reading your blog.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

that is so awesome! you totally deserve it! also i like you because you are much nicer than peta.

.letting go said...

I just KNEW it! You deserve it jennifer shmoo. more than you can imagine, your blog is so wonderful. So absolutely wonderful. As a new vegan (two months... less than shmoo has been in school!) I have been inspired by this wee blog. Thanks babe, Celebrate!

shaz said...

You deserve it! :)


Anonymous said...

couldn't happen to a better blogger! Congratulations, although I bet that you're the only person who's surprised, you really deserve this.

Anonymous said...

Congrats - it's an award you truely deserve. As for great things instore, since you are already publishing a cookbook, maybe you should try out for The next Food Network Star - then, you could have your own vegan cooking show!

FilmStocker said...

Congratulations on an honor you definitely deserve.

Thank you for your hard work on this extraordinary site.

Film Stock

Anonymous said...

Congratulation. Your blog inspires me.

Anonymous said...

congrats on the proggy! you deserve it and a million more!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations and thank you so much for being an inspiration to a vegan lunch packing mom!

Anonymous said...

you deserve it! grats to you and keep up the good work!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations!! I've only been looking at your blog for the past couple of weeks but I have to say it's totally wicked, love it! Sue from England x x x

Veggie Geek said...

Congratulations. You rock!

Anonymous said...

Oh, I'm so late coming in here, but I want to extend my congratulations! I'm so impressed. And I can't wait for your cookbook!

Gary said...

My tardiness is inexcusable, but... Congratulations and then some on your award. It's so gratifying to see a great blog get the attention it deserves. Vegan Lunch Box does such a wonderful job of showng the warm, nurturing, fun, and shmoo aspects of veganism.

Jennifershmoo said...

>the shmoo aspects of veganism.

I love it! LOL

Anonymous said...

I love you!!!! =)

red said...

thank you

sesli sohbet
mirc sohbet