I also plan to make this Fruit Flag for a healthy, patriotic treat. Made with just blackberries, bananas, and strawberries, it fits into my plans to make this holiday as relaxed and laid-back as possible. If I feel especially motivated I might whip up a nut buttery dipping sauce to dip the flaggy fruit in before we devour our stars-and-stripes forever...
I just discovered your site and I think it's fabulous! Your son is so lucky to have you as a mom. I wish my mom had made sure I ate this healthy when I was growing up (Schmoo eats more fruits and vegetables in his lunch than I sometimes consume all day!). If I'd learned such good eating habits as a child, I might have avoided some of the health problems I'm facing now. I'm not a vegetarian, but I'm trying to significantly cut down on the animal products I eat (who knows, maybe someday I'll go all the way!) in order to lose weight and address some health issues. But lunch is one of those meals that always leaves me baffled, even though I'm not a bad cook! As a result, I end up resorting to unhealthy garbage in the cafeteria where I work. I've already ordered my laptop lunch box and I'm going to use the ideas I see on your site. Thanks so much for these great ideas!
I just a got a newsletter from Dr. Fuhrman, he does something similar.
His is an actual cake that you bake, then decorate with coconut and berries. I didn't want to work that hard. :-)
That is so cute! I think I'll make this for me and my boyfriend. I think he'd like it. Thanks for the post!
That cake looks yummy. I might make a mini version for my family tomorrow - thanks for the idea!
Awww what cute fruit!
This is super cool!
Love the flag!!
Hope you have a safe and fun 4th... Jen, Shmoo & EVERYONE else...
I'm going to make this today for a vegan potluck, yay!
Happy fourth! I love the fruit idea. Alas, I did not plan for that...but I'm making red white and blue potato salad. :)
Hi Shmoo!
What a great idea! So much healthier without the sheet cake with gobs of frosting. Hope your 4th was wonderful and memorable.
this looks delicious! i love how there's no icing and cake underneath it. =) as "shananigans" wrote, it's so much healthier this way.
... i wonder how it'd be dipped into cheesey fondue sauce...
The availablity of so many beautiful fresh berries is one of my favorite things about summer. This looks so fun and delicious!
A (very belated) happy Independence Day to the shmoo household!
how cute. maybe I'll do the french flag for bastille day.
wow, I have looked at your blog. If my momcooked like you do, or even just shopped for food like you do. I would be super happy
Wow, that looks delicious. I love blackberries and strawberries.
And I love your blog. I'm trying to pack my lunch to work so I'll eat healthy, and your blog has so many delicious looking ideas! I figured that it couldn't *just* be good photographic lighting. Thanks!
Hi Lauren!
Tofu is great, although I did not like it at first...you just need to experiment until you find a way of preparing it that you like. It has very little flavour, and so it goes with so many recipes, and is very flexible. Firm tofu is what I use, and I believe silken tofu is used more in baking recipes or to give added texture and creaminess to a dish. Firm tofu has a "chickeny" texture. There are millions of recipes on line, and tons of books devoted to tofu alone. Try googling tofu, or try the Vegan With a Vengeance site to start http://www.theppk.com/recipes/
Also, even if you decide tofu isn't for you, don't give up on taking meat out of your diet. There are so many other things to eat you probably won't even need a meat alternative once you learn a few new recipes. I only buy tofu once every few weeks, and don't buy any meat analogues like veggie burgers and so on.
Good luck :)
I linked you to the children section of my blog...how could you...please no...
Why would a progressive individual like yourself depict the american flag; a symbol of fear and terror and violence, anti-democracy and unilateralism.
Here is a good site to check out on the subject of patriotism:
And here is a quote by Albert Einstien:
"Nationalism is an infantile sickness. It is the measles of the human race."
I know this blog isn't about this sort of political content but my goodness! This is a children friendly, family oriented site!
C'mon now. We're vegan, let's renounce all forms of violence, including nationalism and patriotism!
Thank You,
John D
By the way, I think your meals look delicious and healthy and you continue to inspire me and others. Please don't let us down!
John D
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