You know how I mentioned
below that the new issue of
Vegan Lunch Box would be out in March? Well, as so often happens in the world of professional publishing, there’s been a change of plans. The publisher has decided that it will be much more exciting to bring the book out in
late July/early August, in order to generate lots of excitement at back-to-school time. I can see the logic there, but I’m still sad to have to tell you all that the book won’t be available for several more months. Doh!

In other news, the latest issue of
Vegetarian Journal
(Volume XXVII, No. 1) includes a very nice review of the old, self-published version of
Vegan Lunch Box. I want to tell all the VJ readers out there not to worry: all the recipes listed in the review will be in the new edition out in August, along with new recipes you might like to try out, too.
Hey, I also noticed that this issue also includes an article on
"Veggie-Friendly Literature for Kids", listing dozens of storybooks, novels, poems, and more that encourage and support compassion for animals and an understanding of vegetarianism. The books are divided by age group, from preschool to teens. All that and
seven recipes for vegan cheesecake! Woo!
That's unfortunate that they are pushing the publishing date... it's always for the sake of making more money I guess.
Thanks for the news, I've found your blog so amazing!
please help if you can. I took class called CHIP- offered by 7th day adventist. We had a vegan dinner at the end, a lady made the best vegan lunch meat- made with lentals and tomatoes- I don't know what else. My husband has wanted me to make it and I can't find the recipe. you have to put it in can to mold it. Then slice it. If anyone has a recipe like this would you contact me. Thanks!!
Yikes! Best of luck with the publishing!
I absolutely LOVE Vegetarian Journal - thanks for the preview of their current issue!! I can't wait to purchase it :0)
try the seitan o greatness:
(i haven't tried it yet, but it's supposed to be excellent)
Bummer! I pre-ordered this book in December since my son was diagnosed with dairy and egg allergies this past summer. I'm looking forward to it!
Does seem like a long time to wait. We have an American Book Store here in Amsterdam so maybe they will order some copies.
I randomly found your blog and I'm glad I did. I was blog tagged and I thought it was a great way to meet and read other bloggers. I'm almost all veg head and really enjoyed reading your blog. I'll be back.
If u want to do the blog tag
Post either 7 famous folks you've met and how, or
7 weird facts about yourself.
Then randomly tag 7 other blogs.
If you chose to play, great if not, no worries. I'm glad I found your blog and be back!
Impressive blog! Curious to know if you'd be interested in being part of a testgroup to try 4 new vegan PROBAR flavors. E-mail me at probarfeedback [at] Gmail [dot] com. Thanks and good luck on that book!
Ok, I can see the point of having the new book out when school is ready to start, but still sad.. The way time flies we will be ordering it in no time anyway. :o) Can't wait to get it!
ooh, I can't wait for the new book! Jennifer, you should write a vegan lunchbox book just for the Tiffin! I just got one and I love it. I miss your regular updates!
Hi there! I saw your blog on the Blogger's Choice Awards. I am in there too, under Best Charity Blog. I "stylize" blogs for $20 with part of the funds going towards my mission trip this summer and part to a Charity of the Month. Having a great looking blog not only attracts readers, but this way, you can be helping TWO great causes. Check out: and see the many blogs I have already stylized, as well as details on the charities.
Hopefully with the back-to-school tie-in it'll reach a larger audience (including non-vegans!). Kinda unfortunate your fans have to wait a little longer, but hopefully it'll be for the greater good. :-)
- Bryan, of the vegan blog tracker
Hello, I just tried out your Magical Loaf program and reviewd the wonderful results on Candy Penny. Many thanks, I love my "Penny Loafer"!
I am so sad that there is a delay in the publishing! I find your posts and photos very inspirational. In fact I've linked to you on my latest post you don't mind!
Thank you for the inspiration!
Hi Jennifer,
Thank you for your wonderful site and book - I've enjoyed it since you started the blog.
Actually, I missed your site so much, that I started one myself - based around using leftover ingredients in a laptop lunchbox.
I hope you don't mind - the format is somewhat similar to yours due to the pictures of laptop lunchboxes and their descriptions!
I don't have a little shmoo though, just a very helpful husband... but more about that in the blog :)
Thanks again for your lovely site and book!
Very interesting! And with a vegan lunch, have a vegan wine!
I thought you might be in to this... I designed a t-shirt for and the winners can make a pretty good portion of money. If I win I want to donate 100% of it to the humane society of the us.
here is the link:
You do have to register to vote, but it's pretty painless. If nothing else, if you could please forward this link to some people that would be interested in helping promote this cause I would be much indebted!
plus it's a pretty cute shirt. right?
misc.muse, I found this recipe that I haven't made, but which I've been keeping to make for my family. Go to to get the recipe. Have you gone back to the church to ask the instructor if they can give you the recipe? I can't imagine that they won't give it to you.
I miss your regular updates to the blog!! But I am eagerly anticipating the new edition of the book. Hope all is well with you and your family!
Oh, no! I'm so sorry about the delay. That's disappointing, I know we're all eager to see it! In the mean time, we've got a few copies (not many!) of the previous version of your book at, we just opened!
They probably changed to August so they could do a back to school launch.
I would love to review the book.
cu_veg_mom (at) yahoo (dot ) com
(I didn't see an e-mail contact for you.)
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