Lately my favorite non-dairy frozen treat is a simple
frozen fruit sorbet: I push frozen bananas, pineapple, and strawberries through my
Champion Juicer
and out comes perfect, creamy sorbet with no added sugar.
But before I switched to sugar-free, I used to make luscious non-dairy ice creams using a Krups La Glaciere Ice Cream Maker and the book
Vice Cream: Over 70 Sinfully Delicious Dairy-Free Delights.
The recipes are simple and far better than any vegan ice cream I've bought at any store. The "milks" are from nuts, which give the ice cream a rich, creamy sweetness. Chocolate pecan was our favorites, but once you understand the basic proportions you can make practically any flavor you like.
In case any of you are interested, I'm selling the ice cream maker and book together as a
set on ebay. I hope they go to a good vegan home, one that will use them to make many, many wonderful, non-dairy delights.
Ooo. I may just have to end my ebay ban to get that one! That sounds like a match made in heaven for a vegan with a sweet tooth!
I make the simplest smoothie - frozen fruit (usually blueberries, raspberries, sliced strawberries and blackberries in any combo), soymilk and a tablespoon of ground flax seed.
In a large, tall mug, I put in about 1 cup of Westsoy and the frozen fruit. I don't have exact proportions, I just played with it until I got the consistency I like. Blend with an inversion blender. Then add the ground flax if I feel like it.
Hi Jennifer,
Love your blog. Please contact me at robinr@robinrobertson.com.
Robin Robertson
i'm glad you posted about this book! my husband is lactose intolerant and i loooove using my ice cream maker. this should make him very happy :)
A reader of my blog aliveandkickn.com recommended your site. Keep in touch as it looks like you've got a great thing going. BTW do you know my friend from camp who lives in Kennewick, Kevin Uretsky?
I am sad I missed this great buy! I so want an ice cream maker. Soy ice cream can be so expensive! I will have to keep my eye out for another one thanks to your recomendation.
yummy machine I love smoothies
Looks great!..amazingly simple & delicious. Thanks for all the detail & variations…I’d like to add a vanilla bean or espresso. Btw please visit my simple recipe blog and give comment, please
I know, off topic, but does anyone have advice for any food I can bring to a two day long convention? I need about four (five, to be safe) meals, and may or may not have a microwave/ refrigerator. So the question is, I guess, "any recommendations for nonperishable vegan meals?"
Wow - that looks great. I am gong to pick it up now!
I live in japan.
I'm gethering date about ice cream and dessart.
please link to this site.
do you think the recipes in this cookbook would stil be as tasty if the nut "milks" were replaced with soy milk?
Hi, Jennie -- No, I don't think that would work. The nut "milk" is really whole nuts blended with liquid. The mixture is thicker than soy milk and the texture of the nut meal adds some thickness to the vice cream.
Oh, but maybe you could try using cooked rice and blending it? That could probably be nice and thick like the nut "milk", and rice has a nice sweet taste. Try it and let us know!
not only are the Vice Cream recipes vegan, many of them are 'raw' as Jeff Rogers is also a raw foodist.
I've had some and they are delicious!
btw, great blog!
Sounds very good.
I enjoy some frozen foods occasionally, but the last time I had a sorbet, it was tasty and refreshing for two bites, and overly sweet after that. Making your own, where you can control the sweetness, sounds like a great option.
I love the champion juicer "ice cream" its my favorite summer time treat! Banana peach is my favorite!
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