Sighting Two: Here's great news for those of you not in England and not able to spend a blithering amount of money for a used copy on the internet (a friend of mine recently sold hers for $100...say what?!?) The brand new, completely revised, expanded and very affordable Vegan Lunch Box is now available for preorder on
I've actually laid my eyes on a copy, and I can say without reservation that it is highly adorable!! I love the way the new publishers have reorganized the recipes and restyled the book, both inside and out. All the color photographs are still there, along with a great new index (I love me a good index) and some very cute pinwheel decorations. The new, lower price probably doesn't break anyone's heart, either, huh?
Very cute! Thanks for the update :)
$100 for a copy of the original? Wow! Of course, mine is signed, so would be worth more, but I bah humbug anyone who tries to take mine from me (and I'm not even vegan.)
I am so excited for you, and for me. I just returned to stay at home motherhood after a short venture into working motherhood and I shall be buying a copy of this to ensure that my youngest gets a healthy meal while he is at school. While I was in school and working I had the local pizza place on speed dial so I am sure that my son will appreciate having real food in his lunch box. I am off to order a copy right now!
i got such a thrill to see a post from you in my feedreader! i miss my lunch-fix!
Yay! I'm so excited for the new edition to come out. I can't wait to see what it looks like!
100 dollars?! Now theres a compliment! :D
I would love to see some more pictures of the lunchboxes. I really miss them.
I am giving away a brand new copy of the original book here:
I simply cannot wait to buy your book! Your blog inspired me to become vegan :)
congratulations!! looking forward to the new book.
Oh,lunch Box! this is "Bento" I am interested in the food culture of your country. And I support your site. If there is time, please come in my site. From Japan
sounds like a great idea, im switching to a vegetarian diet and it looks wonderful.... cant wait for your book to be available in my country.
Can't wait to read it! Come visit me at
Wow, that's so cool. I knew it would happen some day :)
I hope I can find that book for my cousin. That would make a great birthday gift.
hello! i just found your blog yesterday and have been addicted to reading archive entries. so forgive me if you've mentioned this but have you ever tried teese cheese? its a vegan cheese made from the makers of tempation vegan ice cream from chicago! i read about you not liking follow your heart, so i figured i'd offer a suggestion.
check em out.
I'm keeping my fingers crossed that THIS birthday, I might actually GET one. :)
I would like to correspond with you re: new book collaboration.
Please contact me at
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BlogBlast For Peace Meme ~Join The Revolution
Hi - I love your blog! I'm new to the blogosphere, but I have been packing my lunch for a long time. I am interested in becoming a vegan. When I stumbled upon your site, I was so inspired by your son's lunches and your fun approach to health. "Vegan Lunch Box" motivated me to get creative with my own lunch. Thanks! - Katie :)
Got the book yesterday. Some really lovely combinations. Your book is truly inspiring and will become a useful tool in my kitchen.
Will have to work around the meat analogues - too much MSG. Also too much chocolate in the desserts for my taste, but looks yummy.
Jennifer, we love your book in our house and jumped on the "two for one" sale you had awhile back, giving one to a pal. I heard you were coming out with another that had many more photographs so I gave mine away to another new vegan.
But... I cannot see anywhere that says this new version has more images than the last.
Inquiring minds...
The new version is completely reorganized and contains some additional lunch menus and recipes, but the pictures are the same.
I'm thinking about possibly writing a cookbook. About how much money did you make? And how much did you have to spend to get the books made?
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