Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Blackstrap Gingerbread

Blackstrap Gingerbread with Lemon Sauce, coconut milk brown rice pudding mixed with ground flaxseed and dotted with pistachios, organic applesauce cup, and a red bartlett pear.
Verdict: This is the best gingerbread we've ever had; blackstrap molasses is an excellent source of calcium and iron, and having some sweet lemon sauce to pour over it made it fun. He ate every last bite, but ran out of time for the rice pudding. 3 stars


Nic said...

That looks like a lunchbox full of desserts to me - yum!

Isil Simsek said...

Definitely mouth watering!

Jennifershmoo said...

It is a "desserty" lunch, but with the blackstrap, flaxseed, fruit, and whole grains, it's a pretty nutritious one. :-)

Anonymous said...

Your son is pretty luck to say the least!

Anonymous said...

So, what is the stars for this one?

Jennifershmoo said...

Sorry! I was so excited to post the recipe for gingerbread, I didn't wait for Little shmoo to get home. He scarfed that gingerbread and asked for more when he got home. He didn't finish all the brown rice, though he wanted to. He said he ran out of time (they don't give those kids enough time to eat -- it's only like 20 minutes for lunch!). So I'm saying 3 stars. I'll update it with stars tomorrow along with my next post.

Anonymous said...

dear jennifer,

i would love to access the blackstrap gingerbread recipe, but the link doesn't seem to be working.

love from leila

Ivy said...

Yum. I want this gingerbread! Have you tried upping the whole wheat flour or using spelt instead? Just curious.