It’s what you always suspected we vegans eat, isn’t it? In celebration of the Fall Equinox today, I put together this earthy menu: maple and oak leaves made from a barley poppy seed crust and filled with roasted autumn vegetables. Alongside are pretzel sticks with peanut butter, lima beans, and apple slices.
Verdict: I volunteered in the classroom today and got to sit with Little shmoo while he ate. He shared an oak leaf with me and happily ate all the rest. He ate the lima beans first. I love this kid!
5 stars.
Wow a kid who eats lima beans! I never could stand them. They reminded me of hospital food from when I had my tonsils taken out at age 4. What a great menu for the first day of fall. I thought that we vegans only ate salad. Just kidding.
Can we have the recipes please,please, please?
Yes, please!!!! We must have the recipes for the fall leaves with autumn vegetables. Oh please, please!!!!!!! Our children need them!!
I don't plan on having kids, but if I did have kids, I would want to be a mom just like you! Maple and oak leaves in honor of Fall - you're just too cool. Little Shmoo is a lucky bugger.
Little Shmoo's eating habits are envious!!!
You are so clever!
And yes, that is what all vegans eat, sticks and leaves. (just joking)
Oh my god. I want that lunch so badly. Especially the lima beans. Man. Wow.
Seriously, you're the bomb. The absolute bomb. I hope someday I have the time and disposition to make leaves stuffed with autumnul goodness for my kid. That is....when I have kids.
Well, you're for it now, Jen, aren't you? We're all hooked and now you're going to have to post recipes daily. :)
And for the record...I do NOT eat sticks. I only eat leaves. Romaine leaves, right off the lettuce head, just like a rabbit. HA!
(Why do people think that? I've never figured that one out.)
I'm so impressed. How do you find the time to do all this? Do you make the lunches the night before? Do you co-ordinate lunches with what you had for dinner, so you can use leftovers?
Oh my, thank you all!! They did turn out cute, didn't they? I am working on writing out the recipe...
Hi, bagwasher! The more complicated dishes, like soups, calzones, and these leaves, are made the night before and then baked or reheated in the morning. That makes it easier. I wish what I made would double for dinner, too, but with the three of us chowing down there's usually only enough for lunch.
I became a vegetarian when I was between 15 and 16 years old but LOVED sprouts and Lima Beans even when I was 2!!! My mother was always amazed at that. As a kid I hated the taste of most if not all meats...blah! So, I'm not surprised I turned out this way...YAY! Tell your boy HE ROCKS!
I haven't tried lima beans since I was a kid and they came in the frozen vegetable mixture. They were awful, but I don't really blame the lima beans. How do you cook yours? I mean, are they fresh, or dried and then boiled, and is there anything on them?
The preparation of the lima beans is quite elaborate: I open the can, drain off the liquid, and put them in the dish. He can eat a whole small can by himself! I also make frozen limas and mix them with pasta and olive oil sometimes.
You're right, the limas in the frozen vegetable medley are awful. I think they are the reason that a lot of people grow up hating lima beans.
you are so amazing! I can't wait for the leaves recipe.
Hi Jennifer!
Thanks so much for inspiring all of us. Today I packed the first (of many) laptop vegan lunches for myself and my girlfriend. The menu: sweet and sour baked tofu, brown rice pilaf (with carros, red onion & red bell pepper) with toasted almond slivers on the side, dried pineapple rings (unsugared) and a cake brownie (because I can't resist adding a little schlock!) with organic mango lemonade.
Oh, and I discovered a decent solution to "not enough lids": glad press and seal wrap works really well and I only have to use a piece the size of the container.
Happy lunching!
Ohhhh! I wish I was your kid (accepting any 31 year old children into your family?). I would also Love to have the fall leaf recipe please.
Hi, Moore, your menu sounds divine! I love dried pineapple... Thanks for the tip, I'll look for glad press and seal next time I'm at the store. :-)
Please post the recipe!!
Those must have been *fresh* lima beans, then! We used to try and eat aged (starchy and ooky) ones when I was a kid, and they. were. horrid!
Someone at the livejournal community vegancooking linked to you today (Sep 27), and I'm so glad they did!
I love your creative lunchpail-stuffings, and how-it-was commentary. Thank you so much! I'll be a regular reader...
How awesome this blog is! I'm ovo-lacto always looking to emphasize the vegan-ness. How do you keep the sliced apples from discoloring before he's ready for them?
Hi, occula, good question! I soak them in all-natural citrus soda for about 10 minutes, then drain them (I save the soda for his after-school snack) and pack them either in a ziplock or covered with plastic.
are we going to get recipes!? I so want to try both the maple leaves and the fish sticks.
Hi, anonymous! I am writing up the recipes for a cookbook, and right now they are being tested by friends and family. I will let everyone know when I have more information about it, and I will keep posting an occassional recipe. Honest, you will not be deprived forever!
Hi - I just wanted to say that all of your lunches look wonderful and I can't wait for your cookbook! I will Definitely be buying a copy of that when it's ready.
- Holly (found you through the vegancooking community on lj)
Those leaves are so beautiful! Do you have a recipe for the crust? I really enjoy your blog. The pictures are always so well-done.
Yes, the recipe is in my cookbook. :-)
Do you think you could freeze the leaves in their prepared (but unbaked) form?
Yes, I think they would freeze well.
I made the leaves tonite but the dough was tough and hard to roll out. I was expecting something a bit flakier, albeit no butter. The only difference is I used safflower oil instead on canola. Not sure what happened. Your input is appreciated.
It sounds like you could have added a bit more water, but mostly it is the fact that you used safflower instead of canola. You could try again with canola (freezing it as instructed) or even use shortening for a flakier dough.
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