Verdict: In a perfect world this meal would include some steamed spinach, but Little shmoo refuses all leafy greens (every child has their limit!). The dried cantaloupe was an interesting new treat from the health food store, very much like dried papaya. And the answer is YES, the timbale DID hold its shape in a seven-year old's swinging lunch box! Amazing! 2 stars for no veggie today.
awwww, I'm bummed that it's Friday. Can't wait to see what Little Schmoo has on Monday! I am fairly new to the whole blogging thing but so far this is my favorite blog :) I am also fairly new to being vegan and my kids (all 5 of them) have basically vetoed everything I've made so far. I hope to learn some secrets from you :) See you Monday.
dried cantalope.. hmm, never had that before. I need to try some. that timbale sounds interesting!
That timbale looks neat. I've never had a savory custard. Recipe, perhaps?
... You should probably just assume that someone will ask for the recipe for everything you make, actually.
How do you season your black beans, if you don't mind my asking? My son used to eat black beans, and then as he started to eat even more solids he stopped. We haven't pushed it lately, but the last time I made them he did not like them all. He won't eat greens either, but I'm going to wait until he's older to really work on them.
Please, please, please, recipes, recipes recipes!!! You are awesome, and I don't know where you'll find the time, but I would just LOVE the recipe for the timbale and many other unique things you make. We are all clamoring for them, can't you tell :)
i love your site! can't wait to try out some of these ideas. :D
Please adopt me -- I'm a good kid --
Ya! Where's the timbale recipe....I'm dying to try it!
These are so cool! I cna't wait to see the lunches every day!
Believe it or not I don't think I have ever had Quinoa. Need to!
i love this! thanks for the photos and the verdict!
I'm trying to figure out that timbale recipe (not sure yet about how to do a vegan custard, but am experimenting). I'm assuming you use the fact that amaranth is naturally 'porrige'-y, but I'm also hoping that one day we'll find your version of this recipe on Schmooed Food. I'm also a new devotee, and will likely check out your book in the (very) near future. Perhaps it's in there? Here's to hoping. Meanwhile, I'll go back to being simply inspired by you. Thank you!
Yep, the recipe is in there! :-)
Thank YOU! I am a college student and refuse to pay for that garbage they sell in the cafeteria... I am a vegetarian (dairy minimalist) and am very excited about finding your Blog!
This is so awesome! I'm totally buying the book (or asking for it for my birthday next month, which is much more likely).
Little shmoo is one lucky kid!
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