Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Tortilla Roll-Up

A whole wheat tortilla spread with refried beans, rolled up, and sliced, some salsa for dipping, apple slices, jicama sticks, and a vegan rice crispy square. Beverage: Rice Dream Horchata (cinnamon rice milk).
Verdict: Wow, he finished off everything but one little tortilla roll! And we're all addicted to horchata now. 5 stars.


Anonymous said...

I've never seen Rice Dream Horchata. Where did you find it?

Jennifershmoo said...

It was a new product I found last week in the health food section of our grocery store. It's a traditional Mexican beverage made from sweetened rice milk with cinnamon. The regular varieties at the grocery store are usually filled with additives and artificial stuff, so I'm thrilled that Rice Dream has started making an all-natural version. It rocks!

lonna said...

I haven't had horchata in ages. I never even thought of looking for a vegan version. Yum.

Anonymous said...

Love your site! It inspires me to cook more! How can I view the old entries?


Harmonia said...

Yummie, yummie! Check out my lunch today - it's on my blog

K said...
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Anonymous said...

I love horchata! Do you make these just for the lunch? Or are they often left overs? They seem so thought out..everything goes together. Aweseome site!

Anonymous said...

Must try horchata now...
Wonder if it would be good warm?

Jennifershmoo said...

Hi, Erica! Yes, I plan these out for lunch only. My husband and I eat the same lunch, so there are no leftovers. Besides, I'm ashamed to say that I have spoiled my son and husband to the point where they don't like eating the same thing more than once. :-P

Someone was asking if the tortilla roll was warmed up at school, but now the question is gone. It was a good question! No, everything is put into an insulated lunch case and eaten as is. If the food should be kept hot I will put it in his thermos.

Anonymous said...

I love cold spaghetti! That was my breakfast actually. I eat most my lunches cold...even if they are meant to be hot.

thanks for the reply jennifer!

Anonymous said...

Did you make the vegan rice crispie squares? If so, did you order the vegan marshmellows online?

Jennifershmoo said...

Hi, Ali! Yes, they're homemade, and they were so good my husband made himself sick! No marshmallows were harmed in the making of these squares.

zalda said...

i heart jicama
and horchata.