Thursday, October 06, 2005

Broccoli Fennel Soup

Hot broccoli fennel soup today in a thermos, with black sesame rice crackers, tangerine slices, and fruit & nut bars. Beverage (not pictured): chocolate Silk.
He didn't miss the chocolate milk today! But he did run out of time for the tangerine. 3 stars.


Anonymous said...

Where did you get that awesome soup thermos?

Jennifershmoo said...

Fred Meyers. It's an 8 oz. thermos, just perfect for a serving of soup.

Mistrmind said...

Looks yummy. I linked your site for topic of the day.

Molly said...

are those fruit and nut bars homemade?

Shelly said...

I got a chuckle out of Schmoo missing his rice milk yesterday. My son swears that's the best part of being veg...he gets to have all kinds of flavored soymilks and ricemilks and his friends have to have boring old plain cow milk. :)

Harmonia said...


Jennifershmoo said...

Hi, molly! Yes, the fruit & nut bars are homemade. They have no oil or added sugar, and are full of dried fruit, oats, and walnuts.

Hi, mistrmind! Thanks for the link, interesting site. I think my last meal would involve a scary amount of chocolate.

Catherine Weber said...

Jennifer, could you post your recipe for the fruit and nut bars? I have had a terrible time myself trying to make home made granola bars -- either they fall apart or are so darn chewy my jaw hurts by the time I finish eating one. Thanks and keep up the great blog -- it's so much fun to visit every couple of days and catch up on your kiddo's lunchbox chronicles!