Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Chik'n Sandwich

A vegan chik'n patty on a wheat bun, oven roasted sweet potato fries, and some apple crisp for dessert. Beverage: almond amazake.
Verdict: Thank you to Amy and little my for suggesting sweet potato fries. I hadn't made them in quite a while, and they were very tasty. Little shmoo didn't touch them (oh well, more for me!), but he ate everything else. 4 stars.
P.S. Tomorrow is a noon release day -- sorry, no lunch box!


Anonymous said...


Michelle said...

oh my gosh, you rock

Shelly said...

Geez. First I have to suffer the weekends with no Schmoo lunchboxes...then they have the nerve to let him out of school early. Do they not know I need my schmoo fix? And now that I think about it...how are we going to survive school holidays and summer vacation? I hope you're working on that cookbook, my dear. :) Is the apple crisp recipe going to be listed? Yummers.

Amy said...

Oh well, sorry the fries didn't work for shmoo--but glad you liked them! By the way, your corn pone recipe has become a weekly staple at our house. Mmmmmm. So easy and good. Take care! Amy

Jennifershmoo said...

Sorry, shelly! I could go to the school district and ask for year-round classes, but somehow I don't think they'll go for it. LOL. And yes, that apple crisp is definitely in the cookbook -- it's my husband's favorite dessert, so I can promise it will be the most-tested recipe in the book!!

Amy, I'm so glad your family likes the corn pone, that's great to hear! Now you've made me hungry for some, too...

Harmonia said...

I can't see the pic but it sounds yummie. I have to catch up on your entries - I haven't been on in 5 days. Sorry!

Jennifershmoo said...

Hi, vegan marissa! We use Boca Chik'n patties, they're Little shmoo's favorite.

Re. breakfast, I would say start with vegan versions of what you used to eat. We actually found breakfast to be the easiest meal to veganize, since we usually have fruit, cereal with milk, toast or bagels, or hot porridge -- oatmeal, cream of wheat, polenta, etc. Just substitute nondairy milk for cow's milk.

There are fantastic recipes for pancakes, waffles, tofu scrambles, smoothies, etc. out there. One good cookbook to start with is "May All Be Fed" -- the pancake recipes are excellent. Check your library for some vegan cookbooks. Hope that helps! :-)

Anonymous said...

i think they should start having school on weekends just so i don't go through vegan lunch box withdrawal. :)

Anonymous said...

wow, your lunches are so inspired! I'm copying your lunch ideas for me. Thank you.

Harmonia said...

I can see the pic now! Glad I can! That bread looks great!

Anonymous said...

Have you tried the Gardenburger "Flame Broiled Chik'n Grill" I have to drive 30 minutes to a Whole Foods that has them and buy about 6 boxes at a time. They are SOOOOOO good! They also have an herb and breading crusted version which is still good but not for sandwiches - better with mashed potatoes and some greens.

Anonymous said...

There has been some discussion on another website regarding whether or not Boca Chick'n Patties are vegan. I finally looked at the ingredient list this weekend. They definitely have egg in them where they are sold locally. Do they not include egg in WA? It would be an interesting fact to know that within the US, the ingredients are different.

LOVE your site!!! Very inspiring variety.

Jennifershmoo said...

Hi, carrol,

Yes, it was a Boca Chik'n Patty. It is vegan, but their website does note that they "recently" changed the recipe to make them vegan; perhaps you have an older batch? Here is their website listing which products are vegan:


Anonymous said...

How about posting the recipe for the sweet potato fries? Pleeese? ;)

red said...

thank you

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new laptop battery said...

It is vegan, but their website does note that they "recently" changed the recipe to make them vegan; perhaps you have an older batch?

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